Chapter 13

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Chan's POV

As I was in my office still worried about Seraphim since she's in the hands of that witch and I know she just need Seraphim for the money that's why she wanted her to get married to a family of billionaires and after she'll abandon her afterwards again,But as I kept walking back and forth someone came in the office but I declined but it doesn't seem to listen and as I look up I saw Mildred.

"Good Afternoon,Mr.Christopher Bang."She smiled holding a cigarette on her fingers as I was about to come at her the bodyguards she was with stopped me,"Calm down I'm here to talk about Serena."She sat down as her bodyguards sat me down,"I'm not interested in any of your offer,I want Seraphim."I growl as she laughed hysterically.

"Hahaha!Sure after I have had enough playing with her after all she isn't that useless after all and thank you for taking care of her that's why I'm giving you 1 billion dollars and so as your groupmates to leave us alone."She smirked as I tried to stand back up but her guards pushed me back down,"No!I don't need amy of your money!"I growl as she lean closer to my ear slowly whispering something.

"You have no choice,Chan.She's my daughter and I have the rights do make her do whatever I want amd besides I am just making her future better, She'll learn from me,Her Mother and not some immature mens besides Jackson is better than Minho because unlike Minho?Jackson has a future not just going around killing everyone, Listen if you dare to steal my daughter back I won't think twice and I'll kill all of you as she watches you all, Would you like that Chan?"She asked as I finally stopped form debating and shutted up she slides the paycheck into my desk before laughing and leaving.

What if she's right?That woman don't think twice and I can't let her traumatize Seraph and kill my members,I have to be the big man and decide what's best besides she is correct.. Seraphim's life will be more easier if she's with her.

As I head back to the headquarters seeing everyone happy to see me and asking all about Seraphim's location,is she safe,have we tracked where she is but I just spat my words out.

"We're not looking for her anymore.She's in better hands."I announced as everyone looked confused but Minho suddenly grabbbed my collar,"You made a deal with her mother didn't you?!You agreed to whatever her mother said, Right?!"He asked as everyone looked shock and tears with there eyes.

"Is that true,Chan?"Felix,Han and Hyunjin asked at the same time as I nod,"But why?"Changbin asked as I cried out,"I have no option it was either all of us dead or Seraphim's die,I have no option.."I burst out as everyone separates to cry until Minho goes to the door before leaving he left his final words.

"You're a coward,Chan but I'm not like you I'll save Seraphim from that woman and I rather die than make her whole life a living chained hell."

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now