Chapter 42

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I explained him what happened and he seems to understand everything I have explained which lessen my stress since my information got leaked and they know now how I look again.

"Mark starting tomorrow we have to spy on them and could you buy me a wig and new clothes again?"I asked as he agree before laying down my matress,I sighed as I get some clothes out my bag to change after all I am wet,"Oh,uhm,Phim can I ask something?"He asked as I hummed.

"Isn't falling for your own kind is illegal?"He asked as I stopped and turn to him,"It's none of your business."I hissed before going to the bathroom and cleaning myself.

I get what Mark was asking and I do get why he asked that but I'm sorry Mark if you're looking for a second chance but I can't because all I know is that Minho's the only one I love now amd forever,As I finish I found him asleep and as I wasn't tired at all I looked at the calendar calculating every day.

If I have calculate that right I have only 10 days before I met and save them again and I wasn't feeling to good because of what might happen if I fail to save them and I would know she would kill them if I ever surrender myself to save them,I sighed and start sketching the mansion's every corner and after I had been there I remember each position where the guards are.

As I planned the whole plan by myself and worked on it all night arranging where could possibly go wrong if I mistook a turn and so as Mark it will be difficult since I don't know how Mark works his alerted body thats why I'll be training him how Chan trained me,I will never give up.

"Phim wake up."I heard Mark shooking me up as I groan in annoyance,"Give me a break."I sighed going back to my sleep when he laughed and place a coffe mug infront of me,"Okay then no training for me then."He chuckle as my head shoot up and pull him,"No!After breakfast I want you out in the backyard asap."

As I change to a very simple clothes I can breathe in I came out the backyard seeing Mark standing straight and was prepared, Quite impressive for someone who stopped for years but let's see your skills.

"Impressive Tuan but I need 50 push ups now!"I shouted blowing the whistle as he moved quickly down the ground moving his body up and down as I clap to count and it seems like he's doing great plus I might not have a hard time training him just like the past days.

"I only can do 25 push up and I'm about to give up!"I whined with my arms feeling so sore when Mark hooked his arms at my shoulder,"Don't give up yet, Believe in yourself and you can do it!"He motivate as I nod and hug him.

"Someday I'll coach you and our future childrens!"

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now