Chapter 30

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What did he mean by that?Was he meaning about us?No no no don't think that he's dating Lia and I could never betray her and I owe her my honesty,As I got off his motor giving his helmet back.

"Thanks but next time stop following me and go back to Lia I don't want anyone suspecting I betray her."I hissed as he sighed and roll his eyes,"Can't I get a proper thank you without you looking at me badly?"He asked as I grab his collar,"No and if I ever known you broke Lia's heart I'll rip you to pieces."I growl before flipping my hair and going in my location.

As I got in I saw everyone there but my eyes got stuck at Han who was innocently smiling,Gosh these guys,I sat down beside them as we chitchat but I didn't know what's happening to me that I can't mix with them like I use to.

"Hey Seraphim why are you so low?"Jeongin asked as I shook my head and lean to his ear closely,"I feel something unusual I seem that I lost bond with you guys."I explained as he gasp,"No-Don't tell me you're uncomfortable with me too?"He asked as I shrugged.

As our day went on and these idiots fighting for the last piece of meat Han secretly grabs it and handed to me as I gave him a weird look glaring at him.

"Han please stop,I already heard from you that you don't feel the same but why are you acting like this again?"I asked as he sighed and pull me out from the table,"Look I actually..felt the same way either and I'm sorry that I lied."He apologize but there was something off.

"Han I don't do second chances,Now please let's be sister and brother's again like we use to."I sighed before going back to the table and showing them the last meat on my mouth as they all pout,"Seraphim why do you always get the last meat?"Changbin complain as I giggle.

Soon we all was going around the city buying things and eating when I saw across the street was a girl being cornered and as I split up with others they already knew what I was up to,As I hid the girl behind my back they got shock at my sudden appearance before laughing.

"What do we have here? Another meal?"One of them joked laughing as I smirk and walk closer,"Now boys don't you think I'm going easy on you."I smirked as they all got turned on and amused when I start to kick them.

As I was about to escaped with the girl my leg got grabbed and before a I know it they all held me down the floor as I saw Jeongin grab the girl to safety as I smirked and wink as them and they all suddenly dropped down the floor as I saw Chan,Seungmin,Changbin and Hyunjin with their weapons as I smiled at them and we all escape and leaving the corpse to Han and Felix go clean up.

That was a stretch.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now