Chapter 39

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As night came and the boys had said their goodbye's and went to their mission when the door opened and stubborn me I pulled my gun and pointed at the door ready to shoot when I saw Minho.

"Gosh you scared!Why are you here?"I asked confused why isn't he with the others,"Chan made me look after you."He reply shortly as I face palm,"Tch I told him I don't need one."I scoff.

"I can leave-"

"No stay!I have something to tell you."I pulled his shirt as he turn to me and nod sitting beside me,"I wanna say thank you."I spat out quickly as he turn to me confused,"What for?"He asked as I sighed.

"Chan already explained me everything and thank you for not giving up on me."I finally let go off my words as he stood there shock before leaving not bothering to say a word,I tried following him when I saw him at the balcony with a drink on his hand as I slowly approach him.

"Minho?"I called as he turn to me before turning away quickly,"You should be back inside and resting."He shortly advice as I gently laid my hands on his face slowly turning it and seeing pain in his eyes,"Minho--"

"Just go back inside!-"

"No I won't until we fix this!"I fight back as he hissed and moved away when I grab his arm but when he tried to pull back I got pulled with him causing out of us to fall for each other both soaked by his drink but as I tried to stand up he hold my waist and pulled me down closer.

"You want to fix this?Then let's fix it."He stated in a very raspy scary voice before I could say a word he crash his lips to mine very roughly when I push him getting up and slapping him,"What the fuck is wrong with you?! You're dating Lia and you just can't kiss--"

"Look who's talking."He chuckle referring to what happened the time I got drunk as I was about to slap him again he stopped it,"I loved you,I love Lia but when you came back every feelings I hid away came back."He explained as I stood there stuned.

"N-no this is wrong.."I whispered but as I tried to run away from the situation he holds my arm tightly,"No.This is right,You ask to get everything fix and now I am fixing it."He state before crashing his lips at mine again but as I try to push him back again my lips response by it's own.

"I love you,Seraphim.I always do."

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now