Chapter 33

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"J-jisung?"I asked trying to make it clear of what he wanted,"I love you and it's the least thing you can do for me is use me."He stated as I hug him shoving my face on his neck,"I appreciate it but I can't,Jisung."I asnwered as he tilt his head in confuse.

"Why?"He asked pulling me back as I wipe my tears,"Because you'll get hurt in the end, That's life."I explained before leaving a kiss on his cheek before going back,"You'll find someone better and she'll love you, Truly."

As I sat back down everyone looked at me as I looked back at them confused at why do they looked at me like that when they start looking at Jisung's seat.

"Where's Jisung?"Dad asked as I turn to hsi seat and made up an excuse,"He wasn't feeling well so he probably just getting fresh air or killing someone,Now where are we?"I asked changing the subject as I fix my table cloth on my lap,"You all are going to Jeju Island for 3 weeks."Dad announced.

I didn't actually cared but just to get out of that I have to pretend I care,After the family dinner it was tradition to slow dance with someone and before anyone can ask me I tried being smooth and was about to ask him since he the only one I haven't dance with in these kinds but seems like Lia already chained him.

"Seraph,May I dance with you?"Jeongin asked as I nod and placed my hands on him so as him as we slowly dance,"Is everything already?"He asked as I turn to him and nod forcing a smile,"Yeah."I answered shortly.

As the night ended Chan drop me off and left a small peck on my forehead as I was so graceful to have him I give him the sweetest smile I had which he got fluttered about since I don't usually smile at them sweetly.

"Thank you Chan and by the way are you free for tomorrow?"I asked as he nodded and look at his schedule pad,"Yeah,Pretty much I am free."He smiled notifying me as I smile,"Maybe you can help me shop for our vacation tomorrow?"I asked as he looked at me confused.

"Don't you want Lia to help you?"He asked as I sighed and rolled my eyes,"No--I mean I just want to catch up with my brother, That's all."I excused but in the sake time it was a fact,"Aw I am touched that you are not replacing me over that girl,I mean no offense but she seems to be way different from what I used to know her now she looks like she would die if she had been remove from Minho's arms."Chan laughed and I too before going in and before I could close the door he smirked.

"Fight for what you want and don't worry about the rest, That's the Seraphim I know."

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now