Chapter 22

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As I woke up and from the smell on the air Lia is cooking a delicious breakfast,As I got out tof the room and I was correct Lia is cooking breakfast and as I sat down scratching my head she placed a plate and the dish infront of me perfectly serve.

"Good Morning,My lovely sister!"She smiled as I smiled back and eat my food excitedly,"It's good but why are you so happy?"I asked as she lean closer and boop my nose,"Remember my little sister is going on a date."She smiled as my eyes widen.

I completely forgot so quicken my food and got ready asap since Lia said to have a whole day date with him and he'll be here to pick me any minute now but as I finish I couldn't pick what dress I'll be wearing.

"Lia help!I can't pick a dress to wear."I pout as she came instantly with a dress on her hands,"Here."She smiled and pick it nearly my chest before leaving,"Thanks!"

I looked back at the dress and from to me it was decent enough and it was a simple white dress with a curved,As I finish doing a light make up I looked at the window seeing him there as I kissed Lia's cheek and waved goodbye as I got out the house seeing him there  waiting as I smiled at him.

"Hello,Han."I smiled as he greet me with handshake and smiled back,"Hello Phim,So shall we?"He asked as he open the car door for me,"Thank you."I smiled.

As we are continuing on our date and getting to know each other more at a cafe I was telling him about funny things but I can see from his movements that he was confused at me.

"Are you already,Han?"I asked as he nodded and excuse himself to the restroom as I wait patiently,Is this always what happens on dates?

As we enjoy our day he dropped me off to my house and as I enjoyed the day he planned and before I can walk to the door I kissed his cheek which made him blushed red as I laugh at him and wave goodbye,As I got in Lia immediately pin me the wall smiling lile maniac as I laugh at her.

"So how did it go?!"She asked excitedly as I nod and I felt my cheeks heating up,"It went perfect,Han was such a gentleman."I imagine him again as she let go and clap her hands,"Really?What if we go out on a double date?!"She asked as I shrugged.

"I don't know I mean I just met him probably when I am sure of him like you and Minho,I promise we'll go for a double date."I promise as she sighed amd nod before smiling again,"Fine but tell me all about this day date with Han."Jisu laughed as she pulled me to the couch to talk my date.

I wanna get to know more about you,Han Jisung.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now