Chapter 41

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I stayed for a couple days at a random couple's house who accept me--Well I killed them but it's a win win they might see me in hell or not and probably they might be even happy,As I got up and got to the bathroom to wash my face when my phone buzzed.

:You little sneaky brat thought you can escape well I can make you a choice to turn everything upside down.

:You either give yourself to us and get marry to Jackson or we kill your pathetic brothers and that skunk Minho,Two opinions only Serena.

: I'll wait for you until the last day of this month because if we haven't had any answers from you,I'm afraid I have no choice to force you and kill your love ones.

After I have read the note I throw my phone and try to calm down when my gaze met my reflection and everything went clear,I cut my hair short in different layer and decided to magic my makeup for a different look and changed my clothes to some shit I found in the closet.After I finish I changed my bag and got out leaving like a normal person but since I know they could recognize the motor I hid it inside the house and casually walk like an average person but as I got in the supermarket I saw Mother's guards giving fliers.

"Ma'am have you seen this girl?If ever please contact us right away."One of the guards passed me a flier as I looked at it I saw myself,"Sure."I answered shortly before passing inside with my heart pounding.

Really passing fliers they're plan?Ha goodluck on that motherfuckers,As I bought what things I have needed I got out without suspension but as I was about to go back to the house I saw people inside and mostly it was my Mother's guards but as before I can ran away a guard pointed at me and everything got into a messy chasing the goose.

Fuck I left the hair and my clothes there!I cussed myself and I had no choice but to ran in the woods where I got stuck at a fall and a memory flashes,This is where I forgot my memory,I came back to reality to hear the guards calling me but I have no choice but to jump again and hopefully this time I won't lost my memory.I came for a big jump and fall deep in the water before I can boost myself up to get air and as I got out I saw Mark's old house and I immediately rush there only to see Mark resting as I shake him awake causing him shock.

"Phim,What are you doing here?"He asked satting up as I sighed and search at his drawer for guns,"Hurry, Let's go."I grab him as he immediately act up and we left the house as I grab a knife first before leaving and giving him a small one.

"Mark,We have a rescue mission."

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now