Chapter 40

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"M-minho.."We both heard a familiar voice causing us to turn to the entrance seeing Lia with tears in her eyes and covering her mouth but as we tried getting closer she stopped us,"N-no stop please,After all this time you love Seraphim than me?"She asked to Minho as we kept quiet.

"Ha!I get it now!I was the fish bone stuck to your relationship isn't it?I can't believe you both and Minho why did you have to lie when you said you are over her when I just heard what clearly you said and you,I treated you as my sister then is it was you'll repay me?!"She asked bursting out but as I try to calm her down Minho stop me,"It isn't Seraphim's fault, Don't freak out because you don't know the full story!"Minho fight back for me as Lia chuckle and clap,"Fuck this,I knew this was going to happened and I make sure this is the last time you ever saw each other too."Lia smirked.

We both looked at her confused until we felt guns was pointing at us from behind,I looked at Lia then to Minho scared not knowing what to do when he grabs the gun behind him causing to et shot but as I try to help him he push me.

"Go!Never look back! I'll find you again as I found you last time,Now go!"He shouted as I nod and ran inside pushing Lia out my way and running away,I will mark your words Minho."Ugh get back here!"Lia shouting as I ran faster trying to look for the boys but I couldn't see them.

But as I got down the hotel I saw Mother with Jackson and my brothers tied up gladly they haven't saw me yet but I need to make a plan before they make another move,I decided to go stealth and go around them untying my brothers but it would be risky after all they are looked after by those pesky guards.

"Forgive me but I have to leave first,I will come back and get our revenge."I whisper before leaving at the back seeing my brothers motors there and from there I dashed away far away,I need to hide first before they go crazy and search the whole island.So from my observation I could easily get a plane ticket to go back at Seoul but my problem is they might know where I am going to I have to think about this quickly and smart.

You guys must have given up on me but that doesn't make I would too.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now