Chapter 21

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It's been days since Lia and this guy had been dating and since I am starting to get lonely after all she's always out on a date with him I probably should look for one I mean she wasn't lying that I also need someone in my life but my only problem is what type of guy I'll date.

"Ugh!"I sighed looking at a dating app that lies to me that I have a match but isn't my type,"Unnie!"I called as she came soonest with a spatula,"Who's the killer?!--Oh hey babe."She smiled and hide her spatula as I looked at her weirdly.

"Ugh I don't get what's the use of this app like it says it's my match but clearly people here are just fake to get a date."I sighed laying back down the bed when she laughed,"It's always like that but in the end of the day you'll find your amore,Here let me help you."She sat beside me grabbing my phone out my hands.

As she did her thing as I cover my face in embarrassment when my phone suddenly keep getting notifications and as I sat up I saw everyone matching with me as I looked at her shock.

"See?Now you just have pick who'd you like to go on a date,Maybe one or even two."She laughed as I glare at her,"I'm not like you,Anyways what's your plans for today?"I asked as she smiled and jolt up with her smile,"A date with Minho,again."

Minho?Seems familiar.

After she left I start looking at my matches but none of them was working when I got my final match and from the looks of it he was the decent one so I confirmed the match and start chatting with him.


:Hi, I'm Seraphim but Phim for short.

:Oh then I am Han Jisung.

After times of chatting Han I have gotten closer to him and from the looks of it we have a lot of commons and he has a sense of humor but the only thing that makes me wonder on how he was very comfortable to me,Is he a player or it's just me?I shrugged it off and decided to have a shower first before chatting him back but as I finish I saw Lia snooping around my phone.

"Uh Unnie what are you doing wih my phone?"I asked as I was drying my hair as she stands up smiling at me,"I've set you up on a date with your match."She squeak as my eyes widen,"What?!"I asked shock looking at my phone,"You'll thank me soon but for now have a goodnight sleep and relax for your date tomorrow."She smiled as I sighed I mean I have no escape anymore.

She never lost a smile on her face after she met the Minho guy and from the oooks of it he's taking care of my sister,I did what she said and got myself ready for tomorrow's day.

First date here I come.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now