Chapter 28

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Han's POV

"I'm sorry Sera but I only thought of you as a sister, I'm sorry."I apologize before taking her hands off me and leaving but as I was about to leave,"It is my fault that I fell for you, I'm sorry."

I have to admit at those times we had hang out and how sweet she took care of me and how I can see on her actions that she would never be like the other girls who'd cheat but I can't dating a sinner is a crime that's why Sera fought her feelings for Minho back then and I will too.

"Han what did you two talk about?"Chan asked as I shook my head and can't even meet his eyes,"I need fresh air, I'm leaving."I state before grabbing my bag and leaving.

; I'm sorry.

I have difficult choices I need to answer quickly before anyone gets hurt again and this time I can even think what choice I take because it will be sort into very bad situations too.I know Minho haven't said anything about Seraphim and him at Lia and I know Lia will brokenhearted badly and same goes for Seraphim to see them happy and alone there is painful,I have to pick carefully.

Minho's POV

As Han leave I was about to follow him when Lia grabbed me shooking her head as I sighed and we all came back inside Seraphim's room seeing her eyes sore and red,What happened and why are they both crying?

"S-sera are you crying?"Chan asked as she shook her head and smile,"N-no uhm Chan when can we go out here and back home?"She asked but something was wrong for sure,"They've said after they have check the results but where do you want to go home?"He asked.

She looked at Lia before Chan,"Can I just rent an apartment away from all of you?"She asked as Chan worriedly answered,"Why,Are you sure?"He asked as Seraphim confirmed as Chan nodded understanding her decision.

After sometime we all left with Seraphim and had dropped her on her apartment they've said their goodbye when I privately talk to her knowing why is she so suspicious.

"Did Han do anything to you?"I asked straight up as she shook her head like a kid,"No but from my memory I do know you're the one who hurted me right?"She asked innocently as I got shock at her words,"Excuse me I have to rest now."She excused before walking pass me.

; Let's talk asap.

;About what?

; About Seraphim,Meet me at the house now.

After I dropped of Lia to have her rest I immediately went back to the house seeing Han there drinking as I sat infront of him staring at him.

"What about Seraphim?"I asked as he laughed,"You still care for Sera, Don't you?"He asked as I gritted my teeth,"You don't care now spit what you know."I maintain my anger as he laughed hysterically.

"Minho minho minho you already have Lia and you want Seraphim for yourself either?How selfish."He deadly stared as I stared back now breaking the eye contact,"What are you pointing out Han?"I asked as he chuckle before leaning closer.

"Seraphim loves me now and I wouldn't let her down like what you did, I'll make sure you'll never break her heart again."

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now