Chapter 2

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"Lee Minho mostly known as Lee Know and with the equivalent of 800 bodies he had disposed and he is very rich also just by his own."Chan explained as I nodded understanding ever detail,"Wow I already like him."I whispered as Chan lean closer,"What was that darling?"He asked as I shook my head and left the restroom soon laughing hysterically through the halls.

I'd love to be his partner in crime until I get to kill him and take his spot!Oh how lovely!~As I was daydreaming I bumped in to Jeongin who's completely drunk and couldn't even walk normally anymore,This is the reason we rarely go to parties because of this idiot who always cause us trouble.

"Yah!Yang Jeongin!"I shout as I pulled my knife and deeply surround his neck,"Tch get that away from me."He pushed as I hit the wall and we suddenly start a riot in the middle of the hall.

As I was pulling his hair and him pulling my top and my feet on his face as he point a gun at me when we glanced on Chan and the others watching us in disgust amd happiness.

"Seraphim and Jeongin go in the car,Now."Chan strictly order as I got off him and made my way on the car passing by Jeongin,"Idiotic demon."I whisper as he rolled his eyes,"Bitchy whore."

As we all got in the car and Chan about to leave the place and scolding us I looked at the window seeing Minho standing beside the restroom outside with his back resting on the wall and his head down but I could see his smirk.

"Seraphine are you even listening?!"Chan asked as I flinched and turn towards him,"Yeah..What are we talking about again?"I asked as they all sighed and laugh after as I pout not knowing what they were saying earlier.

As we arrived back home I went to my room seeing myself in the mirror with a cut on my cheek and me looking all filthy and dirty,As I cleaned my wound Jeongin came inside collapsing on his bed as I do my skin care.

"I got a bruise."He inform as I turn to him feeling offended,"Haha I got a wound because of you, Dolphin."I teased as he made weird expression trying to tease me as I throw a pillow at him.

As I layed down my bed feeling like a princess I couldn't help but to remember Minho,That guy stole my attention from the rest but even though I can't fall for him.

He's a sinner and so am I.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now