Chapter 20

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It's been months since Lia and I moved away from Mark and she broke up with Mark after the incident and we have been moving on.

"Seraphim!"Lia called as I immediately got out my room seeing her all excited and happy,"What--What happened?"I asked all concern when she all suddenly keep shaking me,"I finally got a date!"She smiled widely as I smiled back and roll my eyes.

"You just got out of a date last week and here you go again going on a date."I laughed as she shook her head,"No no no!This is different, He's my destiny!"Lia dreamingly explained as I sighed not being rude but I'm not into dating things,"I'm so happy for you but I'm also not into love life,Unnie."I laughed before drinking a water when what she said next choked me,"Well you should because you have to find your destiny either and did I mentioned that we're going on a date tonight?"She smiled as I roll my eyes and nod.

She just placed a kiss on my forehead before going to her room and by the guess of her singing she is getting prepared and seems to be to excited hopefully her date tonight will actually be the one,She hasn't even said his name at me probably just for her excitement.As she opened my room as I was on my phone to give me some money and give me a flying kiss.

"I'll be leaving now,My date is here and the money is for you if ever you want to buy anything."She waved goodbye as I nod and smiled,"Stay safe and if he ever tries to hit on you just call me huh?"I joked as she nod and roll her eyes before shutting the door.

As I did what I used to do and just did my chilling and watching on the TV when my stomach starts growling and as I was about to order I saw the money and it was short for the delivery fee so I got out to buy some pizza but on the way back I saw from across the street someone familiar when my head suddenly hurt and ran back to the house.

Lee Minsi?

Lee Homin?

Lee Mingo?

All names were popping on my mind as I took my pills and sat down drinking the whole water as I catch my breath, I decided to go on my room just doing some word puzzle when I saw from the window a car parked and as the door open it was the man from earlier and with him was my sister.

"Thank you for dropping me off,Lee Know."Lia smiled as Minho chuckle and bow his head politely,"It's my honor,M'lady."The man name Lee Know smiled as they both waved goodbye at each other,I don't know why he's familiar though.

As Lia came in calling my name again as I came out my room wiggling my brows as she laughed and took of her heels as I lean beside my room door smirking at her.

"So what happened on this 'date' now?"I asked teasingly as she sat down from her emotions she looked like the happiest girl in the whole wide world,"I'm telling you,He is the one."She sighed as I roll my eyes and pretending to puke as she roll her eyes and we both laugh.

He should get my permission first before having my sister's heart.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now