Chapter 24

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Han's POV

As Minho dragged me outside and pushed me to the wall angrily as I stare at him furiously.

"What the hell?! Your dating Seraphim?"He asked as I nod and raise a brow,"So I mean she doesn't remember anything."I teased as he grab my collar,"What do you mean?!"He asked as I winked at him when he punch my lip.

But as I was about to get up and punch him back Seraphim and Lia was already there so I need to act how my role is or else we'll screw up and I didn't know Minho was here and he was Lia's boyfriend besides I know it is weird to date the girl I spend my entire life with who treated me as her brother but I need to,To keep her safe.

"I'm so sorry."Lia apologize before running to her boyfriend as I stare at him furiously,He called me out without looking at himself that he has the same situation as mine.As I drop off Seraphim I drive back to the headquarters who was all shock at my bruised lip.

"Don't tell me you maked out with Seraphim because I will dispatch you."Chan growl as I sighed shooking my head,"No Chan,Minho did this."I sat down frustrated as their eyes widen more,"You maked out with Minho?!"They asked as I weirdly look at them.

"No I meant was he punched me."I sighed as they all breath in relief,"Why did you see him?"Seungmim asked as I nod which cause them to go closer to listen as I was so pissed,"Well it turns out he's Lia's boyfriend and he seems like he doesn't know that Seraphim had an amnesia."I spill as they were all into it when the door opened.

"Where's Han?! I'll fucking kill that motherfucker!"He shouted but which cause me more shock and worried was Lia was with him,"What the fuck do you want now and you bring Lia?!"I asked standing up as he grabbed my collar again,"You traitor!"He shouted when Chan stop him.

"Minho calm down and Lia please take a seat, We'll explain."Chan announced as he let go pushing me as we all sat down and after Chan explaining everything Lia suddenly kneels down at Chan as very one was shock at her movements.

"Chan please I'm begging you don't take my sister away from me please,She all I have please."She begged as Chan stared at her,"I'm sorry Lia but we have to tell her the truth and probably she might even stay with you, I'm sorry Lia but she's our sister too."Chan explained before Lia starts crying as Minho comforts her.

I hope you comforted Sera like that back then but you're a jerk.

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