Chapter 46:Epilogue

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<After 5 Years>

It's been five years and yet everything went north way as we got married and even got it to be official as it was stated that I turn to normal when I got an amnesia and because of that I get to be with my love also we have 3 little devils that Minho always wished for.

"Soonie,Doongie!"Minho called as I fix the picnic table with the help of my brothers as I can't work much as I am 4 month pregnant with another devil,"How's Dori going?My little devil is doing well and so as my wife."Minho smiled as Seungmin took a photo of us,"Aish I'm jealous,Hyunjin-ah let's pose like these two."Seungmin pouted as Hyunjin laughed and agree with him.

And all this time I never thought I could forgive my Mother but it is already in the past and I learn to forgive mostly that she's doing well to be a grandmother to our children and Minho respect her even with all the pain she caused us.

"Mother I see you are very polite with my children huh? Wish you did that to be when I saw a kid."I teased as she pout and laughed after,"Don't be jealous now and don't worry I won't sell them,I promise."She joked as we both laughed.

Oh and my brothers?Their still single as usual busy with their work and Han finally moved on and found his love,Not a person,He love his family and loves my childrens and would be the best uncle as the others just got beaten always up my these devils but seems like my childrens favorite uncle is Jisung and Felix after all he does make them great 5 star michelin cookies and worst would be Changbin and Hyunjin as they always get beaten up by those two.

"Seraph!Help!AHH!-"Hyunjin screams in drama as Soonie came chasing him with a fake plastic knife,"I'm your uncle--AH!"Changbin shouts as Doongie poked his butt with a toy fork,"Soonie,Doongie who wants cookies and care from their best uncles?"Han and Felix asked as the two immediately came running at them as Hyunjin and Changbin pout.

I never thought I would have the best life after all those pain,joy,and sadness I've been through and Jeongin,oh that little brat has been hiatus from us to hide his secrets that he is now a idol,Never knew that brat could sing after all he always just make dolphin sounds everytime we fought.

"Noona--"He called but I came him a sharp glare making him quite,"How dare you call me Noona after you never told me you can sing?!"I asked as he chuckle nervously,"Aish still bitchy but I'll be nice and remove the whore."He teased as I turn to him and smack his head,"And you're still a idiotic demon."

Also if I am right Mark found someone else and guess I was still greatfull for Lia,Yes Mark and Lia got back together and I forgive her I mean everyone gets crazy over love and I'm just repaying Lia for all her hard work for me plus she was sorry and have a baby just like me and guess we are still sisters.

"Okay everyone let's now eat!"Minho shouted couple times grabbing everyone's attention to eat as I slowly went there Minho helped me,"Dont tire yourself much,M'lady."He smirked as I roll my eyes and we both went to the table and enjoy our family day.

<The End>

Hello!We reached the end and soon I'll be publishing another book I am currently working on and thank you for all the support and love you gave to this book I appreciate with all my love and also be safe this quarantine and so as your families and let live healthy and watch chan's therapy vlive hihi,Thank you so much this is the end of our book and I love y'all so much<33

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