Chapter 5

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As I got in the house I ran into one of our maids who was carrying a boxes and as I got to the living room everything was gone and the boys was staring there directing which boxes will go.

"What's going on?"I asked as I sat down the piano while getting carried by a couple mens,"We're moving with Lee Know,We already pack your things just go inside the car and wait for us there."Chan instructed as I nod and patt the mens shoulder to keep going as we got out.

As I got in the car and plug in some heavy metal music and was checking around I suddenly got shock by who was in the car with me and almost gave me a heart attack,I hit his shoulders as he looked at me with a confused and irritated facial expression.

"What the hell was that for?!"He asked as I pout and looked out the window as I hug my knees tightly hiding my red face from embarrassment,"Aish,How you doing by the way Darling?"He asked with his voice getting rapsy as I nod before covering my face,"Yeah I'm good now shut the hell up."

He just laughed as we wait for the others and so on as they entered and sat between us as I keep my face hidden since I don't want to be the center attention and to be tease by these idiots.

"So why are you two so quiet huh? Don't tell me you both make out here."Chan teased as I kick his seat and raise a finger at him,"Shut the hell up, Let's just go I wanna see my new room I'd turn to a slave room."I explained as they all laugh before driving away.

As we arrived Lee Know touring us in this gigantic mansion and as he finished also our items was already in our each room which means I don't have to bother to sleep with Jeongin anymore but I'll do miss his small snores but as I was retouching my make up Jeongin suddenly bardge in.

"Yah Seraphim!"He called as I hit his head,"Yah quit calling me Seraphim like your older than me huh."I scold as  he didn't listen and stand me up before shaking me,"Let's go and kill!"He invited as my eyes widen in excitement before agreeing.

As we drive off to a different city seeing lot of unalert people just talking around the streets but we have to wait till dawn or midnight to strike so we pass time we went to a near arcade and cafe playing around but as our time when on our senses become more alert,We went on another rampage but before I could finish the last guy Jeongin stopped me.

"Stop, We'll bring him to our new dungeon."He smirked as I nod and we drove off back to the house and seeing no one was there we went to the basement and tied our little mice,"I'm sleepy maybe I'll just do tomorrow,You tale care of it for now."I pat his head as he nod and as I clsoed the door I start hearing screams.

Aw our little brother is finally following our footsteps, I'm so proud.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now