Chapter 12

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Did I heard that right?Maybe I was just hearing things but as we're chatting and as I turn to him I saw Minho laughing which made me blink several times but now I saw Jackson's face again.

"Is there something wrong?"He asked as I shook my head and smiled,"Nothing I'm just hungry that's all."I smiled as he suddenly stand up,"Let me sneak us some food,Wait here."He whispered as I nod smiling at him.

As he left I shook my head,This is wrong why did I saw Minho's face at his?Maybe it's just a part of moving on now this days, Right?I waited for Jackson with the food he promised patiently when My Mother came in.

"I see you and Jackson are getting a long,See how a gentleman he is yet your being a rebel because of that Minho guy ugh."She hissed as I roll my eyes stare at her,"If you only knew him."I whisper as she laughed loudly before grabbing my jaw and her nails digging into my skin,"Never say that to me, You're the one who doesn't know him ha!"

She pushed my face before leaving as I glare at her as she left but I didn't quite get what she just said,She doesn't know Minho he is a gentleman,kind,and caring person probably all she knows is about his family that isn't even true, hopefully.

Jackson's POV

As I was making my way back to Sera's room I happened to run to her Mother who looked pissed as I bow down and kissed the back of her palm to show respect.

"Oh Jackson my dear, I'm so glad you're here to help me with Serena's problem."She sighed as I nodded and smile,"It's my delight to help my soon mother-in-law."I replied as she laughed politely and lean to my ear closer,"Take care of Serena while I deal with her devil friends and make sure to make her believe that her friends doesn't care about her,Okay?"She asked as I nod and smirked before she can leave she left a kiss on my cheek and whisper one last thing,"That's why I love you for my daughter, Do well Jackson."

I came back the room seeing Serena waiting patiently as she looked cutely with those chain except for her outfit it's not very lady like,I mean what kind of a woman would wear all black even her makeup is black mama mia.

"Here you go,Sera."I smiled placing her food down beside her but since she can't eat I fed her,"Still a baby huh?"I chuckle as she pouts,"Tch you remind me of my brothers."She smiled as I forced a smile either way with her.

Why do she always mentioned those freaks?Tch I can't blame her after all they're the one who took care of Serena but I can't help to be jealous but what's the use I already have her beside me,No one can even come close with her.

She's mine,Minho.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now