Chapter 19

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Lia's POV

I woke up hearing nothing else than silence as I roam around the house I couldn't find Mark either Phim but I saw a note saying they're out to buy groceries,I don't want to make suspension but Mark seems to always avoid Phim and for some reason it always make me wonder why.As I cooked out dinner waiting for the both of them as I wait patiently but as time pass and it's even past 10 already yet their not here,I decided to look for them when I saw both of them walking while laughing and holding ice cream and they even look like a cute couple.

As they got home I acted like I had just got off the shiwer and greet them hugs as I helped Mark with the paper bags and as we finished dinner Mark and I rested on our bed when I suddenly ask him something.

"So you enjoy your grocery day with Seraphim?"I asked flipping another page as he turn to me confused,"What's that supposed to mean?"He asked as I roll my eyes and closed the book,"Be honest Mark,Do you still love me?"I asked as he kissed my cheek and nod before snuggling on our blanket.

He didn't look at me in the eye when he nod nor he didn't even say a word,I have to know why is Mark always acting suspicious while we're with Phim.I woke up early and set a picnic for three of us and as we set our spot Mark and Phim keep getting eye contact and breaking it fast either way.

"So everyone let's play a game!"I smiled as Phim nod and as I hold her hand and sign her to hold Mark's hand they were first hesitant before holding each other hands, Everything was going good this way when I set up to get them both drunk.It's not I have no trust in them it's just scary mostly that she's a girl too and with someone like Mark around her might cause her fall for him,I pretended to be going to the restroom but as I secretly spy on them I didn't know that anything can happened.

Seraphim's POV

We're laughing and chatting about silly things when Lia suddenly stand up and excused herself to the bathroom which we both understand but as Lia left we both got silent and watch the moon beautifully glowing.

"You once glowed like that either."He chuckle as I turn to him confused but also chuckle,"And why is that?"I asked as he turn to me,"I used to love you before you lost your memory."

Lost my memory?

"What do you mean?"I asked as he gone closer,"You were once mine but sadly destiny wasn't on our side."He laughed as I stare at him and as he gotten closer I slap him standing up,"What do you mean you love me and my memory?!You told me I'm Lia's sister and then here you're saying you once loved me and I'm your gf's sister!"I shout as I run away when a flash of a face of man flashed on my mind making me trip and down the sands.

Lee Minho?

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now