Chapter 32

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There was a family dinner today and sadly I need to attend it and see Minho again and after the embarrassing night with Jisung,I can't believe I failed this terribly.As I got in my red silk dress wearing my earrings I heard a light knocking at the door as I open the door I was greeted by one of Dad's driver.

"Steven,Nice to meet you and are you picking me up for tonight?"I ask as he nod and guide me up the car as we drove quickle amd saw the house brighten like a sun,"I never seen the house this bright."I joked as I got off the car and got in.

I saw everyone chatting with each one when I spotted Lia and greet her as I grab a champagne on one of the trays the waiter was carrying and as we exchanged kiss from each other's cheeks.

"You look beautiful,Phim."She compliment as I chuckle,"So as you,Unnie."I compliment back but as we are just about to start a conversation Dad grabs all our attention and seated us on our seats as I got between Chan and Jisung and infront of me was Lia and Minho,Sadly.

"Good Evening Everyone,My daughter and Sons and also My new Daughter,Lia."Dad smiled as I try not to get pissed and lean clsoer to Chan before whispering,"Since when?"I joked as he laughed silently,"I was shock too."

As we start dinner with Mom and Dad sharing about their vacation and all the way around when it was time for Minho but I didn't know Lia was allow to be spoken too.

"So since everyone seems to be tired these past days I decided what if we ,Except for Mom and Dad,Have a vacation?"Minho asked as everyone thought of it as a good idea and soon everyone agree and as they sat down Lia kissed Minho,Infront of me.

I wasn't sure but from my sight I saw Lia glance as me before she kissed him,Is she teasing me and forgetting what we had? She's facing her back at me like everyone,I didn't want to leave the table but I was hurt and I was trying to keep it to myself when Jisung noticed.

"Uhm excuse us for a second,Mom,Dad."Jisung excused before grabbing my hand and getting us out the house as we got out he turn to me,"What's wrong?Is it Minho?"He asked as I look at him and saw pain in his eyes,"J-jisung I still love him and I just want to forget him.."I admitted as he stood there frozen until he pulled me for a hug.

"Use me."

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now