Chapter 10

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Minho's POV

I watch how Seraphim runs away as I stood there being a coward that I am letting her away soon her brothers came out coming at me.

"What happened?"Chan asked as I walked away from them driving away,I hurt someone's feelings again and it was bringing back my trauma I wished I forgotten about it but how I saw pain in her eyes crushed my stoned heart.


"Yah Minho!"She called as I stopped playing with her hair and hugged her tightly,"Okay okay, I'll stop baby."I teased as she playfully hits me.

We laughed as each other as I wrapped her with a warm blanket before hugging her and watching the starts with her.

"Minho I wish we never separate."She smiled as I smiled back and placed a kiss on her cheek,"You're the only person I'll be with."

But before we can continue our star watching date we heard gunshots but before we can run away he grabbed her and as he pointed the gun at me and shoot but before a ammo hit my head she blocked the way for me.


Seraphim maybe I am wrong,I love you too.

As I was driving my tire suddenly popped as I got out seeing a flat tire I ran for my way to get back home but as I was continuing to run rain starts pouring heavily as I kept running as I got home I saw the door opened and as I opened it widely I saw all our maids tied up.

"What happened? Where's Seraphim?"I asked as I untie them and good thing someone immediately replied,"A group of men took her,Master."She looked down as I cussed under my breathe.

I called for back up and for her brothers immediately as I went up to her room seeing all her stuff scattered around.


"Chan I need you and the boys right now, Seraphim got captured."

[What?!Were coming!]

I looked around for any sort of evidence when I saw her phone and immediately picked it up seeing a voicemail she sent to herself wih a message 'to the boys' I quickly listened.

"Help! Please! Let's go off me! I'll torn you to pieces you motherfucker!Shit no no no no!-"

I was shock from what I heard and immediately try to find more clues until my phone buzzed.

Unknown Number
: Enough of being polite,I already have her and if you ever tried getting her back from my hands I won't think twice to end her life so you all better give up.

:My bad but giving up isn't my junk to do, We'll get her back and mark my words I'll end you once I saw you lay a finger at her.

Unknown Number
: Feisty, Let's see about that,Lee Minho.

I closed my phone as the boys came in worried and with Hyunjin unconscious on Jisung's back, I'm guessing he fainted.

"What happened?!"He asked terribly worried as I shrugged,"As I got here everyone was tied up and Seraphim was gone,We have to find her."I ordered as they all nod.

I can't lose you.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now