Chapter 34

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As we collapse on the restaurant's seat tired after all of that shopping spree and dropping the paper bags and digging in to what we ordered.

"Gosh I didn't know you are a shopping monster too Seraphim."He laughed as I turn to him confused,"Haven't I gotten shopping with you already?"I asked as he shook his head and I burst laughing,"Oh gosh I forgot that I only got to go shopping with is Hyunjin,Seungmin and Minho."I akwardly stated the last name which cause us silence.

After we finish our shopping he drop me off and as I start to pack since tomorrow morning we're already leaving and as I was packing I saw a black tie and was about to put it on the dirty laundries I smelled a familiar scent from it remember something.

"You know if you aren't just a psychopath I'll already fallen for you but sadly we can't because it's illegal."I said bubbly without thinking making him laughed,"You're just drunk, Let's go home."He chuckle as he carried me on his back before going out the store,"No!I actually do, You're the only person that made me happy,free,blushed and loved."I reply causing him to be silent.

"Stop that feeling then.We can't, Let's just go get you home."He answered after minutes of him being in silence,"I wish it's that easy,Minho."I answered back as I got of him and him locking his eyes with my watery eyes and with there I land my lips on his.

I gasped remembering what happened on that night that I confessed,He never fell for me I was the only one.Tears start calling down to my cheeks knowing why he avoided me for our owm sake and I was so selfish I didn't let him explain,I drop to the floor holding the tie near my chest as I let my tears out.

Minho's POV

As Lia and I are packing she left for a call as I continued packing I saw a familiar ripped black glittering cloth and I remembered who was it from and it even still has Seraphim's scent after the explosion and after her big confession.

"What's that?"Lia suddenly appeared out of nowhere pointing on the cloth I was holding,"Oh it's nothing--"

"Is that from Seraphim?I thought you're over her?"She asked raising her voice as I hugged her,"Shh no,I already did and I already told you that you are the only one I love."I whisper as she smiles and plant a kiss on my lips.

Lia's the only one I love.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now