Chapter 37

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As I got back at the hotel with Minho and as I dropped him off his hotel I drop him to his bed when he grabbed my hand on my way out pulling me to fall with him,I froze as I realized I was on top of him and he was drunk plus he is Lia's boyfriend.

"I'm sorry I let you down."He whispered caressing my hair slowly and gently as I was worried someone might caught us,"I'm sorry I got scared,I let you down like Mae.."He's tears build up as he hugged me tightly,"But I promise I won't now."

After he said that he crash his lips at mine and as I tried everything to pull out and stop him I gave in kissing back when the door opened and we saw our brothers and Lia as we separate on each other but before we could said a word Lia ran away as Minho followed.

"I'm sorry."I apologize.

Minho's POV

As I catch up to Lia grabbing her arm when she turned she slapped me hard and I can see in her eyes that she was hurt and she was falling tears.

"What the hell was that?!I thought you're over her then suddenly you start kissing her?!"She asked angrily as I sighed worried,"I'm sorry I was drunk--"

"I know you and Seraphim used to had a love connection and yes I understand it but why?!I love you but don't do this to me!"She shout on top of her lungs as I hug her as she cried out loud,"I'm sorry.."I whispered as she collapse on the floor crying.

As I got her to calm down I had the courage to tell her what I always want to say to her until I saw Seraphim talking to her and holding to her hands and I didn't mean to eavesdrop.

"I'm so sorry Lia."Seraphim apologize as Lia sighed and hold back her hand,"I forgive you and I understand but can I request something that you promise to do?"Lia asked as Seraphim nodded but we bith froze for what she was wanting.

Seraphim's POV

"Leave the country and go back only once me and Minho already get married,I know this is too much to ask for but please I can't let Minho go."Lia begged as I stood there shock at what she requested,"I'm sorry Lia but I have to think about it."I stated before leaving her and as I left I wiped the tears from my eyes.

As I ran outside to think I accidently got lost in a wood so all I could do was sat on the dirt and hug my knees worried about everything mostly about Lia and Minho and now this,I was tired and stressed when I saw a light and a hand offering me but as I look up I saw Minho.

"Hola I think I've lost something that's mine."He smirked as I stand up pushing him,"What the fuck are you doing here?"I asked as he laughs.

"Nothing just collecting my treasure."

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now