Chapter 6

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As I woke up and stretch my body to start the day I looked over my calendar and my eyes shot wide open seeing the marked date for the plan today.

"No no no!Not the Royal Blood Ball Night."I sighed before laying back down and covering my face with a pillow before screaming,"Why did they even made this stupid day?!"I asked annoyed.

"From what I've learnt about is that I was originally made out by one of the greatest killer machine psychopaths for there daughter, That's why you need to wear something formal."Someone speaked up as I remove the pillow seeing Minho who scared me once again,"Will you stop popping out like that?!Aish let me guess you're picking my outfit tonight isn't it?"I asked already knowing.

Every month the each of the boys get to pick what I wear and guessing that Minho is new they'll going to pick Minho to choose my dress for tonight,We went on the mall searching for the perfect dress but I was shock from what dress he picked it was a amazing black glittering fitted dress all the way down.

"Minho are you sure about this?"I asked if he wasn't unsure of sure about this dress,"Of course darling I mean don't you like it?"He asked as I shook my head,"No no no,I honestly love it and for the first time I wouldn't have to wear a big ass gown for once..Thank you."I smiled as he smiled back.

I mean he's a little nicer,A little.

As I got my preparations and had a relaxation for the rest of the day before the night since I felt kinda free for tonight thanks to Lee Know thankfully as the night bite I got on my dress looking stunning as what he had said that gave me confidence.

"Seraphim-"Jeongin stopped by hsi words as he saw me,"Wow I never knew a pig can be a princess-"Before he can continue I throw pillow at him,"Aish what do you want?!"I asked as he smirked and walked in creepily,"Minho hyung is waiting for you in that sparkling dress but not kidding you look wonderful for the first time."He admit as I smiled receiving my first complement from him.

As I saw Minho I wrap my hands on his arm as he smiled at me and lean closer whispering something that made me red as a color red.

"You look beautiful dear, You'll out bloom everyone here but don't get to close to others I am your date for tonight."He whispered as I nodded and place a kiss on his cheek,"Thank you again,Lee Know."I reply.

As it was our time to walk on the red carpet I gracefully smile and chin up as we walked to the carpet with all attention to us and everyone clapping and as I waved at my brothers who looked proud and shock by me and we went for our table with the boys everyone was complementing me,I feel so love.

"Look everyone adores you, Darling."

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