Chapter 11

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I woke up on a very soft mattress and everything around was pink and girly--Eck!Where am I? I asked myself as I sat up but before I can move my hair back I felt a metal chain on my hands and as I looked behind me I saw my whole hand in a metal contraption.

"Wha--"Before I can speak a word the door opened and with the lady who walked in I wished I never had eyes,"Good Morning Sweetheart."She smiled as I roll my eyes,"Why am I here?!"I asked angrily as she made her bodyguards left before sitting beside the end ot the bed.

"Stop with the act,Serena.I told you I'll get whatever I want and now I have you see?"She smirked as I growl,"Let me go!"I shout as she laughed and land her dirty hands on my cheek,"I know you liked that Minho guy but trust me he isn't worth is,Serena."She whispered.

I stopped for a moment as she mentioned his name who made your heart skipped a beat once again but also broke it into pieces either.

"See I am correct,Now listen I need you to marry Jackson-"She spoke as I immediately dodge her hands,"What the hell?!Do you think I'm sort of a robot that you can control?No I'm still the same and I don't like any of you people who comtrols my life,Leave me alone!"I shouted before laying back down.

She left ahead but before she could even close the door I heard her last threatening words that I'd never forget.

"Don't make me dispatch Minho and everyone just for you to follow me, I'll make sure they rot in hell mostly Minho."She threat.

I curled to a ball crying again as I remembered every hard and painful memory I had from how everyone treated me as a misfit and how there words stabbed me from my back a million times, It's been hours since I keep crying when the door opened as I immediately sat up thinking it was the boys but it was Jackson.

"Serena?"He asked as I roll my eyes,"It's Seraphim and if you're here because of what my Mother said then leave."I layed back down as he laughed and sat beside me,"I'm not like that besides I was forced either, I'm sorry."He apologize as I say satting back up.

I forgiven him since I do trust him because he was my most honest best friend back from high school and he was the only one there to help me make it out alive high school beside I do miss him since we got separated because of my rebelness and he wasn't wrong when he told me he was also forced in a marriage after all their family is as wealthy as mine either.

"So how did you become like this?"He asked pointing on my outfit as I laughed,"Since my great Mother abandoned me and you got to meet Chan and the others they took care of me."I explained as he smiled watching how I laughed.

"You know it's not so hard to fall for you,Sera."

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now