Chapter 26

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"What truth?"

They all stand up in shock as they saw me and Lia was about to come close to me when I grab the gun at the shelf and pointed at them with build up tears on my eyes confused at his whole situation.

"What do you mean?"I asked as Chan sighed and looked at Lia as I looked at her,"What truth,Jisu?"I asked as she tried getting the gun as we bith fight for it I got pushed to hard on the wall causing my head to hit hard and I fainted but a flow of memories flashed.

"Mommy?"I called crying as I hold on a stuffed animal tightly looking for my Mother,"Mom said she'll be here."I sob when a boy came up to me pouting,"Why are you crying?"He asked.


"I'm Christopher and these are your new brothers from now on!"Chan smiled introducing everyone as I waved and hug them all,"Welcome to our family!"


"Chan I really want my name to be Seraphim rather than Serena it gives me bad memories."I argued with him as he sigh in defeat,"Fine I'll sign the papers."


"Seraph you need to learn some martial arts and we know it's going to be difficult but with us all there's nothing we can't defeat!"Han smiled as we all smiled and cheers our milk cartons.


I smiled watching my brothers kill the bad guy,"Yeah go!Hyunjin you can do it!"I cheered excitedly.


"You're our princess and always be."Chan kissed my forehead as I smiled and hug him in exchange,"You all are the greatest brothers and my shining knights!"


"Let's break up."Mark spoke as I looked at him shocked and thinking it was a joke but he never changed his facial.


"Watch it,Babe."Minho bumped into me causing the drink to spill on me,"Jerk."I whisper.


"You look stunning,M'lady."Minho whispered as I thanked him and lean closer to his ear,"I must say the same to you."


"I love you,Amore Mio."


Bang Chan.

Seo Changbin.

Hwang Hyunjin.

Han Jisung.

Lee Felix.

Kim Seungmin.

Yang Jeongin.

Lee Minho.

Everything was clear now.From the beginning I already knew that Mark had some connections at me almost at his every move he was scared of me,Minho and Han also from our first date to our double date,Lia wasn't my real sister but yet she was there to keep me and didn't abandoned me like the other woman,My Mother abandoned me and forced me to marry,How Chan accept me from who ever am I and cherish me,Then Minho the sinner I loved and I also got the memory that I have kissed him for the first time and it was the bestest memory from what my mind was telling me but from all that I've also fallen for Han but he was my brother,I might got my memory back but my mind is still blank and my heart it confused.

I fallen for Han.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now