Chapter 23

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It's been a month since Han and I had dated and we would always hang out at the house playing games and lots of activities when Lia got out of her room smiling at us.

"So don't forget guys we have a double date tonight and we'll be meeting at Choi's Fancy Restaurant,Well I got to go now ciao."She waved as we both waved goodbye before Han facing me worried,"What did she mean about double date?"He asked as I laugh amd roll my eyes,"She came out with it so you can meet her boyfriend and so as I."

He finally agreed and we both get ready for tonight and relax ourselves before getting a spa and after we already went to the restaurant seeing them there but Minho looked shock at me making me kiss his cheeks quickly and Han seemed to be frozen either.


"Lee Know?"

"You know each other?"Me and Lia asked in the same time as they shook their heads and offer us to seat,"N-no I haven't to know him at a libry that's why."Minho nervous chuckle.

As are having dinner and Han and Lia seems to be comfortable as for me and Minho he keeps looking down in his food like he didn't want to have a conversation with me,How did Lia even like this guy in the first place when Lia's talkative while since one is so quiet.

"Uh hey Minho."I called as he raised his head and looked at me,"Yes?"He asked as I sighed,"Are you uncomfortable with us?"I asked as he shook his head,"No, You're good but can I borrow Han for a second?"He asked as I agreed.

Minho and Han went out the restaurant as Lia lean in smiling widely and with her eyes sparkling meaning she is full of joy and excitement.

"Han is so fun but anyway how did it go with Minho?"She asked as I played with the radish on my plate,"Meh,I don't get why you and him match when he's so quiet."I sighed as she tilt her head confused as I roll my eyes,"What do you mean? He's just as nosy as I am."She laughed.

"Yeah right that's explains why you and Han are the only noisy one in this whole restaurant."I joked as she laugh and look around,"Hey aren't they taking too long, Should we go check on them?"She asked as I agree amd as we got ot we saw Minho punched Jisung as I immediately drop down to Jisung as Lia stops her boyfriend.

"What the hell?!"I shout as Jisung mouth bleed when Minho pointed at him,"Never show your face at me ever again!"He shouted before walking away,"I'm so sorry."Lia apologize before catching up on Minho as I help Han get up.

As I slowly dap the cotton on Han's face as he keep moving clearly hurt from the alcohol but I do need to clean his wound besides why were they even fighting.

"Han what happened earlier and why was Minho so mad at you?"I asked as he shook his head and smiled at me,"It's nothing, For now I should drive you back home."He smiled sweetly as I sighed and nod.

What's between Minho and Han?

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now