Chapter 17

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Mark's POV

As I was going to a quick swim I happened to see something floating in the water making me wonder I swam over it and as I saw a body as I flipped her it was Seraphim;my ex.

"P-phim?"I called trying to wake her up as I got her to a shore I start doing cpr,"Phim wake up."I whisper but not so soon Lia came out of our mini house and saw me,"Who's that?"She asked scared as I sighed and keep doing cpr,"She's Seraphim..My friend,I saw her floating at the sea."I explained as she was scared also.

Soon Sera got all the water out coughing it as she stands up Lia and I both looked at her when she looked at the surroundings first before staring at us deeply.

"Excuse me?Do I know you?Where am I?"She asked as I looked at her confused,"Lia get some towels."I ordered first as she quickly left and before looking at her,"Phim it's MT?Your ex? Don't you remember?"I asked as she shook her head and what she said next made me dumbfounded.

"Who's Phim?"She asked as I stumble back but Lia was already there and wrapped her in warm towel before giving me one,"Mark I'll take care of her,Maybe she'll fit my other clothes."Lia smiled as I nod and both of them went away.

She has amnesia.

I follow them and saw how Phim looked scared and confused as I gave her a cup of tea and what confused me either is she was wearing a wedding dress,Did she run away from a wedding?I asked myself after all I can't ask her since she lost her memory,After Lia made her fell in her slumber she came at me.

"Why doesn't she knows herself?"She asked as I sighed and lean my back,"I don't know either but we should keep her here first."I said as she agreed and squeak my cheeks,"Of course I always want a sister now is my time to shine."She smiled.

As we take care of her and Lia plays with her all the time and treat each other like their sisters which always make me smile seeing both of them enjoying their time at each other but I can't keep in mind that she's still my ex and seeing her with my girlfriend I don't know what to do but good thing she doesn't remember a thing.

"Mark we made cookies but it's a little burn want to try?"Lia asked laughing as Phim smiled at me,"Uh yeah sure."I smiled back before taking a bit off their cookie and turns out to be good,"Wow this is actually good."I compliment.

"Actually Seraphim was the one who did the dough."Lia smiled as I stopped and nod before licking the crumbs out my fingers,"It's good."I smiled as they smiled graceful and eat.

I must control myself.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now