Chapter 14

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Minho's POV

It's been weeks since the group had disbanded and lived by their own but I never gave up on Seraphim,I planned everything to make her escape that forced marriage that'll turn to a nightmare hellhole.

"Hey."I heard a voice asking as I saw Chan making me turn to him letting him have a seat,"So still in the escape plan?"He asked as I nod giving him a cup of coffee,"Pretty much because I'm not a coward."I teased as he sighed.

"Look I did it for us,for Sera."He tried explaining as I slam my hand on the table,"No you didn't!You become a coward!Do you ever care for her feelings?!Did you ever thought that she can ask herself 'Did they gave up on me?'?No, because you were too coward.You may leave now."I pointed the door as he nod and left shortly as I took another shot of my tequila.

I'm sorry, Seraphim.

Seraphim's POV

It's been weeks and My Mother had let me free to roam around anywhere after I got her trust and also Jackson was always there at my blue days but my known brothers was never,Did they forgotten about me?I asked myself and yet again hurting my own self from that question.

"Sera so you want this one?"Jackson asked raising the outfit I was staring as when I shook my head,"Uh no I was just in my thoughts."I laughed as he roll his eyes playfully.

We're at the mall picking some new clothes for me and because I don't own my Mother's full trust she sent us like 20 mens to guard us,I must say I'm getting a long with her but that doesn't mean I looked at her a s a Mother again.

"So the wedding arrangements are going to happen soon,Are you okay with us?"He asked as I lookes around and nod,"Yeah."I answered unsurely as I was losing faith for rescue,"I mean I don't wanna pressure you but should we look for our gowns and suits?"He nervously laughed as I nod.

After we roam around wedding aisle on the wall we finally end up in a food court since with all the roaming around we decided to stop and eat a little snack since my stomach was growling and Jackson seems to agree with me and as we ate with our guards since I didn't want to be cruel at them and brought them a couple snacks.

"Wow I never thought this type of food taste like a 5 star."Jackson said in awe as I laughed at him and wipe his cheek,"But don't eat that much your tummy might get upset."I warned as he didn't listen and continue eating.

We both end up at the mall's restroom as I wait for Jackson out the men's restroom after he keep puking all he ate as I try not to laugh and after all I did warn him.

Learn a lesson,Jackson.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now