Chapter 8

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I woke up with my head having a massive pain and not remembering a single thing last night but as I sat down I saw at my desk a glass of water and pain killers with a stick pad note.

'Good Morning,Seraphim

It is Minho and since I was the reason for your headache I bought you pain killers and also I made an excuse to your brothers so you wouldn't have to go to any training today,Rest well.


Is it me or that Minho didn't even called me anything sweet from this note and it was weird for me and plus why did my heart pounds quickly when I remembered Minho,This was never my feeling before did something happened yesterday?I took the pills and went downstairs seeing Jeongin who was cooking.

"Hey why are you here?"I asked as he turn to me and smiled as I gave him a disgusted look,"Because I volunteered to be your care maid for today."He smiled as I smirked and laughed after,"You?My care maid?Pft please you're way worse than that non stop talking machine Jisung."I teased as he pout.

He rolled his eyes and finished whatever he was cooking that already smelled burn which is my favorite but as he was trying to serve it properly I got a message from my another 'beloved' brother;hyunjin.

The Dramatic One:
Why is Minho acting weird today?Do u know anything?


The Dramatic One:
you're useless,anyways get better brat

kaykay dramatic ass.

I laughed at our conversation when Jeongin placed my meal infront of me and as I land my eyes on it my eyes sparkled,It was my favorite burned pancakes with not cooked bacon with a lot of whipped cream and none of the berries.As I finished I thanked him and so on went to take a relaxing bath to relieve my stress but unexpectedly my phone rang and without looking at ID caller I answered.

[Serena Hill,Glad you answered finally.]


"Tch what do you want?"

[You know what I want and that is you.]

"No Mother you'll never going to get me back, I'm already in good hands."

[But Serena I'm your Mother-]

"It's Seraphim and besides you have no rights to call yourself a Mother when you abandoned me and now that you need money you're crawling back to me,Why?!Are you going to sell me again?!I had enough of you and your stupid bullshitness to be honest I wished you were never my Mother that I could just live like a normal person but look what you made me?! I'm a psychopath like you but you know what else is wrong is that you're way worse than me."

I hang up after I finished and thrown my phone on the floor as I grasp on my hair and screamed as tears fall but Jeongin suddenly came in seeing me on the floor,He rushed me to a hospital as he called for the others and soon they we're all beside my bed worried sick but Minho wasn't there.

Why am I getting weaker knowing he wasn't there?

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now