Chapter 18

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Mark's POV
<2 years later>

It's been 2 years since now and then we welcomed Phim to our lives and I have gotten closer to her again but yet I can't help but to stare everytime my eyes land on hers,I can't betray Lia,She was there when everything went dark but why do I keep feeling better everytime I got to sight of her.

"Mark I'll just head out."Phim smiled as I stand up looking at her outfit,"Where are you going and where's Lia?"I asked as she smiled sweetly,"She's asleep and I'm just going to a grocery store to buy new junks,Wanna come?"She asked.

As far as I want to say no I was also concern about her and as I agree and change my clothes we head out and we slowly scroll the cart as she was trying to look at the prices when I notice her skirt was too short and so on I didn't wanna show intentions but I took of my jacket wrapping around her waist as she turn to me and our faces inches long.

Don't move..

Minho's POV

It's been 2 years since my life went terribly wrong everyone separated and no one had spot anyone again,I scroll my cart to the frozen meat aisle when I saw a very familiar face,Seraphim,But she was with someone else and their faces inches away from each other.

She moved on and forgot about us.I stared at them as they pulled away from each other and continue their way, Should I approch her?She looks completely fine why would I ruin her life again? It's better off this way than getting her in trouble again but I have to say this to Chan.As I got home I dialed Chan's number as I waited impatiently.

[Hello? Why'd you call,Minho?]

"I saw Seraphim."

[What?Where?I thought she was dead?!]

"Turns out they're wrong,I just saw Seraphim with a guy and I think their together and she seems like she's living a very decent life already."

[I want to see her--]

I hang up not wanting to get him involved with Seraphim's new peaceful life, Hopefully he won't get to crazy and group the group again and as I am just thinking of it he messaged me.

:Meet me in the headquarters,ASAP.

:I shouldn't have told

I drove quickly at the headquarters seeing everyone there as I face palm and searced for Chan as I grab him away from the others.

"You gathered everyone?!"I asked as he pushed me away emotionless,"Yes,We need Seraphim back and I'll crawl all the circles in hell to get her back."He growl and walk pass me bumping my shoulder.

We all sat down as Chan told everyone the situation and everyone had mix feelings of surprised and worried for where she was but even I don't know where she is now.

"Chan I told you I don't know where she is I just got a glimpse of it,with a guy."I whispered showing them the photo I got,"Just let her be happy."

Let her have the happiness she never had.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now