Chapter 45

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As I got the boys out Minho tried to catch the car but it was already gone and we all our scared of what's going to happen to her,I grab Minho as I sat him back at the chair giving him water as I sighed.

"What are we going to do now, Chan?"He asked as I looked down,"Nothing."I answered making them shock and Minho standing up confused,"You're not going to be a coward again Chan!-"

"Seraphim has a plan and she only can do it herself,I know her.She is like a snake so please let's trust her just this time."I explained as they stund frozen and agree but Minho sighed and run out,"Boys try to stop Minho in any way,Hurry."I ordered as they nod and did what I said as I stay and help Mark.

Seraphim's POV

"I'm so proud of you, Darling."Mother whispers as she comb my hair slowly turning on to a bun as I look at my reflection,"M-mother thank you."I lied but her eyes was about to water in shock,"Oh Serena that's the first time you thanked me and I'll cherish that."She smiles as I force a believable smile.

As I walk to the aisle with my Mother beside me guiding me to Jackson as I got up he helped me as we both face the priest just shocking how I am not burning,As we said our vows he turn to me but not because of a kiss but to say something everyone got shock of.

"Serena or Seraphim Hill,I love you and all my life you were the only one who trusted me and I am sorry for ruining that trust and yes I am happy to be your husband but not in this way that's why I'm letting go.You deserve better and that's Minho,He never gave up on you he just lost faith now you should listen to what your heart desires just this time please."He smiled tears streaming down his cheeks as I was lost in words thankful of him I gave him a final hug before running out,"No Serena!"Mother tried to stop but I stop mid way and smile at her,"Mother let's stop this will be the last thing you could at least gave me so please,Let me be free and happy."I requested as tears fall down her eyes she finally give in and nod before smiling.

I ran out almost ripping more of my gown to run faster but as I was just going to ride a car I saw Minho running towards me with my brothers behind and before they could have spit a word I hugged Minho tightly crying on his shoulder in happiness.

"Minho you were right,I shouldn't have let go because my feelings are true and I love you."I whisper as he smiled and wipe my tear,"I'm always right and I am thankful to have someone like you so should we not waste this gown?"He asked as I nodded.

I wasn't expecting what's next but he kneeled to the ground getting something out of his pocket and opening a little box infront of me was a beautiful blood ring and from my sense it was my blood mix with his and mine inside making me gasp I cover my mouth as tears comes falling down like a waterfall and also Mother and Jackson came out seeing us but they were there to see our magical movement.

"Serena Hill,Will you take this ring to be my awfully wife and carry it form this day to death?"He asked as I nod before My Brothers,Mother,Jackson clapped as Minho gently put the ring on my finger,"I love you."I whisper as he lean closer giving a kiss full with love.

Who said a sinner can't fall for their own kind?

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now