Chapter 4

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We all end up going to a bar which was owned by Minho and so on everyone had a good time except for me after they've ruin my sleep schedule plus we just came home from a party and here we go again partying,I mean I sound like a mother but it's just that everytime my mind came mature terrible things happen that's why I'm alert.

"Yah Seraph!"Han called waving his hand up as he swim among the others before handing me a cup,"Here don't worry it's coffee, Anyways why is my baby alone?"He asked teasing me as I growl and grab the coffee before leaving.

This is another fact why I don't like them drunk they always baby me and act like a protective father when they don't even show that truly except Chan well he already acts like our second father,As I drive off to the near town who was peacefully quiet and since I need my anger to be pulled off I let my control off and start being stealth and went on a shadow rampage.

As I finished 5 houses I went back and so as my relaxation as I smell newly amazing blood and as I grab a drink from a house I saw Minho at the window as I laughed and let him in,I didn't even knew this dufus is following me.

"We're you just watching me as I torture them?"I asked sliding a drink to him,"Precisely but my dear you know you shouldn't take your anger out of them."He advised as I almost choke on my drink,"Wow that sounded like you aren't a elite psychopath huh?"I joked as he laughed.

As we chatters the whole morning I suddenly got a call I was expecting it was from my brothers but as I read the ID caller I shut it,It was my real Mother the Great Gambler that traded her own daughter for money.

"Who was that?"He asked as I shook my head and avoid myself from dropping a single tear,"Nothing just a stupid kid who is doing prank call."I excused as I sniff my nose he turn to me and gently made my face turn to him,"Your lying,Words can lie but your feelings and eyes shows it so tell."He clicked his tongue.

I pushed him and grab my bags when he grab my shoulder but as I was about to kick him he pinned me to the bloody damn wall and our eyes locked on each other and there everything stopped.

"Tell me."He whispered his breathe hitting my nose as I let go off my tears and collapse to the wall hugging my knees closer to my chest,"You wouldn't understand,Lee Know from a family complete like yours you'd never understand-"

"And who spread this misinformation?"He asked blocking my words as I looked up to him as he slowly kneel down and grab my chin gently raising if,"Darling not every family is perfect,My family is just full of bullshitness and plasticness so everyone would think we're such in good condition now rethink everything dear."He smirked before leaving.

He left me dumbfounded as I stared at where I was staring at him but as I turn to the door he wasn't there anymore,I stood up and left shortly as I pass by a group of police cars driving towards the house.

I wasn't lying when I said he can lift any girls skirt.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now