Chapter 7

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I can't even look straight at Minho after that complement I'm blushing so red how am I going to fix myself after that but why am I blushing at his compliments--No no no you can't fall for a psychopath like you,you can't..

"Is there anything wrong?"He asked as I shook my head trying to hide my face from him,"Yeah I'm just going to the restroom."I excused as he nod and there I left.

I wasn't going to the restroom but outside to breathe some fresh air but as I was chilling on the side I saw 8 vans parking and man in black walking towards me I lift my dress slowly grabbing my pocket gun and as they have gotten way to close I start shooting at them as I walked back inside who was all shock by the gunshots.

"Chan there here again.."I signal with my mouth as he called every member amd alert everyone who got ready,"Get ready."I whisper as I wait on the door to open and there was it all shooting and fighting the mens as Minho grabbed me,"Let's get you to safe,M'lady."He whisper as I nod and follow him.

As we both got in his motorcycle nd drive off gunshots was trying to reach us but luckily Minho can drive fast enough to get any of us shot or the tires.

"Who was those?"He asked as I sighed,"Their my Mother's mens and they are here for me."I admit as he nod,"Why though?Did you just run away?"He asked as I laughed,"No,She abandoned me but now she wants me just because of money--Wait Minho look!-"

We both crashed on a tree but surprisingly we both got out before it exploded and we watch the parts go out the air as we both laughed and enjoy how the fire starts.

"Sorry for getting your dress filthy, Darling."He apologize as I roll my eyes playfully,"Doesn't matter atleast we're alive."I laughed as he nod.

We both end up going to a near 24 hour store after we heard police sirens and as we decided to drink since we couldn't drink that much on the party because it was shortly delayed but I didn't knew I was getting to drunk because of what happened earlier.

"You know if you aren't just a psychopath I'll already fallen for you but sadly we can't because it's illegal."I said bubbly without thinking making him laughed,"Your just drunk, Let's go home."He chuckle as he carried me on his back before going out the store,"No!I actually do, You're the only person that made me happy,free,blushed and loved."I reply causing him to be silent.

"Stop that feeling then.We can't, Let's just go get you home."He answered after minutes of him being in silence,"I wish it's that easy,Minho."I answered back as I got of him and him locking his eyes with my watery eyes and with there I land my lips on his.

I felt love for the first time because of him.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now