Chapter 38

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"Ow!"I hissed as I sat up seeing everyone looking at me worried as Han passed me some pain killers and a water,"Ow what happened and why does my head hurts?!"I asked looking at everyone as Chan sighed and sat beside me,"When we're at the party you got in a fight and you passed out, You're almost asleep for 1 day already."Chan chuckle as I got confused.

So everything was just a dream?

"Do you need anything?"Han asked as I shook my head and look around,"No I just need to rest I think."I requested as they agree and left the door but I made Seungmin and Felix stay,"Felix,Seungmin,Please stay."

They turned to me as Felix sat beside me hugging my waist as Seungmin peeled me some fruits,Aw this is why they're my favorite brothers and don't tell that to the others because you don't wanna see me getting spoiled by them besides I hate it they always fight against me just to get my favorite brother title.

"Why do you need us,Baby?"Felix asked as I sighed and waited for Seungmin to sat beside me,"Did something happened?"I asked as they shook thier heads and chuckle,"No,Why?"Seungmin asked.

"Nothing I just had a strange dream."I explained as Felix rushed to hug me,"Aw my hugs will make you feel better."Felix smiled as Seungmin came and hugged us,"Thank you but you should be having a good time instead of taking care of me I mean I just had a headache."I felt guilty but they insist to stay.

As we're playing some board games and having fun Chan came in and told the boys to leave for a second as they agree and Chan stand beside me smiling as I smiled back after all I am in the good mood.

"Uhm you might be staying here for tonight alone,We have a mission and from your injury we can't let you go off for now plus Lia is going on training so I'll just set someone to take care of you."He smiled as I pout and hold his arm,"Chan I don't need someone beside I'm good here alone,Have fun and good luck on Lia."I smiled as he sighed and holds my hands kissing my forehead lightly,"Okay since I do know you're independent yourself, I'll go now."He smiled slowly walking away when I asked something.

"Chan why'd you gave up on me?"I asked causing him to froze mid way of his walking,"What do you mean?"He asked turning slowly as I gulped,"Why'd you agree at my Mother's arrangement?"I asked once again as he couldn't reply.

"I'm sorry I got coward I just want the others and you to be safe-"

"No I understand and thank you for that because if you haven't agree on that I would never know that my best friend would betray me,The others and I are proud and thankful to have someone like you a cleaver wise man."I smiled as he smiled and hug me.

"It's not all me it was Minho's plan,Thank him either because he never lost faith of saving you."

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 , 𝐥.𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now