Tension Rising

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The end of our final school year of Hogwarts was fast approaching and I couldn't quiet place my feelings on the matter. I of course was very happy and excited to be free from the constant essays and exams, but I also knew I would miss this castle more than anything. After all this was where I grew up, this was where I met my best friends, and this was where I fell in love. I have thought about applying for a teaching job after I graduate, but James and the boys have been non stop begging me to come with them and become an auror.

Speaking of the boys, them four couldn't be more excited to be graduating. The four had pulled up their grades, most likely from Remus and I's help, so that they could get good recommendations in the Ministry. I knew they were going places though, they were all extremely talented and I wouldn't be surprised at all if they ended up running the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Lily said she would like to go into the Department of Muggle Affairs and I truthfully think that she could do well there.

"So, how's this then, love?" James asked as he scooted his essay towards me. James, Sirius, and I were studying in the Great Hall, preparing for our final exam of the year. Remus and Peter were currently taking that exam early, while the rest of us took our time to study. I glance, d over his paper before looking back at my own and sliding his back to him.

"Close, but your last two sentences need work. You misspelled lycanthropy, if only Remus was here." I said with a smirk. James let out a loud groan and let his head fall to the wooden table with a loud thunk. Sirius, who had turned to staring at his paper with a look I can only describe as disturbed.

"Oh relax, I'm sure you'll both do fine. Don't stress yourself out." I said once I had finally proof checked my own essay and practice questions. However, before I could fully look over my work Sirius's hand yanked the scroll from my hands.

"Speaking of not stressing one's self out, you haven't taken a break since the exams were announced." Sirius noted as he placed the essay on the opposite side of the table. It was true as soon as Professor McGonagall had announced the dates for the exams I had through myself into studying.

"Yeah, Pad's is right. We all need a day off. We could head off to Hogsmeade today." James suggested leaning back into his seat as he slung one of his lanky arms around my shoulder. Instinctively I leaned into him and sighed. Hogsmeade did sound like a good idea and I really could use a break.

"Alright, but let me leave a note telling Moony and Wormy where we are before we set off." I said rising from my seat and packing up my things. With a new found gusto James sprung from his seat taking my bag, even though I insisted to carry my own things. We walked to common room and after I had left a note to Remus we made our way down to the carriages.

The hot summer air had set in a few weeks ago and the lush green plant life has returned to Hogwarts. Hogsmeade was buzzing with life from the tourists that had come. I held tightly to James's hand as we went from shop to shop. After a while we finally stopped at Honeydukes and browsed through the delicious sweets. 

"Here I'll go up and pay for these, you go wait outside, love." James explained taking the chocolate frogs I had picked out from my hands and before I could protest He pushed towards the checkout counter. Deciding against following him I went outside of the candy shop and waited by the door, a smile plastered on my face. I watched the snow flakes fall peacefully around the bustling village and took in the happy atmosphere Hogsmeade always had.

James was taking awhile and I was about to sit down on one of the snowy benches to wait, when something caught my attention. My blood ran cold as I watched Daniel, the boy who had cornered me in the library slinking into one of Hogsmeade's dark alley. My curiosity got the best of me and I slowly followed after him. As I approached where the boy had disappeared to I stuck my hand into my robes and pulled my wand free, wanting to be prepared this time if he tried anything. I peered around the corner into the alley and once I saw that it was clear cautiously entered it. The alley was too quiet, the only noise being the mumbled conversations of the people passing outside of it. It led to behind the less popular shops making it practically abandoned. As I approached the end of the alleyway I started to hear a hushed conversation. I slunk to the corner and listened carefully. 

"Have you heard anything?" I heard Daniel whisper. My grip tightened on my wand as I continued to listen. 

"The Lord has planned another attack in Bradford. A group of aurors plan to escort an official there." A voice that I couldn't quite recognize replied. I knew I had heard that voice before, but before I could figure it out Daniel continued. 

"I hope the Lord appreciates the information I gave him. It was very difficult for me to get." Daniel gloated. It was at this moment that I finally realized who they were talking about. Voldemort. My heart stopped for a moment when I realized and I almost dropped my wand. 

"Of course, Miller," The voice hissed back," But do not let that ego of yours get out of hand. I don't doubt you know that Lord Voldemort doesn't like boasters."

"What would he have me do next, Lucius?" Daniel mumbled after a while and I let out a small gasp. So that's who it was. I had never spoken to Lucius Malfoy before after all he graduated my second year, but Severus had become acquainted with the Malfoy heir so I had heard him before. He was always a cruel boy constantly teasing and hexing the muggle borns, believing that he was superior to them. I mean honestly!

"He wants you to follow Dumbledore. The old fool won't suspect a thing from you and maybe he'll let something slip." Lucius ordered and my jaw tightened. Silence followed and I almost believed they had left. 

"Do I sense hesitation in you, Miller?" Lucius teased darkly. Daniel started sputtering no's and defended himself. 

"Good, because if you think Lord Voldemort doesn't like boasters he hates cowards twice as much. He expects results in a few weeks. Understand?" Lucius sneered and I heard Daniel gulp. 

"Y-Yes, Lucius. I'll get what he needs." He mumbled out. After a few seconds I heard a loud crack, slightly startling me and I guessed that Lucius had apparated away. I heard Daniel let out stressed sigh before being followed by the crunch of snow and I jumped. He was coming back through the alley. I turned and dashed as fast as I could out into the busy streets, bumping into a few frightened Hufflepuff first-years. I mumbled a sorry and tried to disappear into the streets when I felt a hand grab onto my wrist causing me to le tout a shriek thinking it was Daniel. I spun around and pointed my wand at the person's face, but quickly lowered it when I recognized James's worried face.

"Woah! It's just me! What's wrong, love? You look like you've seen you-know-who." James nervously joked, moving his hold on my wrist to my hand. I calmed my breathing and before I said anything pulled James into a tight hug. He hugged back tightly and I let the warm comforting feeling that I usually got when being close to James overtake the anxious feeling I had. When we pulled away I stared straight into James's handsome brown eyes and took in a deep breath. 

"You-know-who. He's invaded Hogwarts."         

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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