The Truth

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Before James could say a word Dumbledore calmly walked past him, gesturing for him to take a seat. James did so relunctantly sitting in the chair next to mine. I didn't dare look at him, but I could already feel his confused glare. Sirius sat in the chair next to him and Peter next to him. Dumbledore sat in his chair and faced us, but remained silent. My neck less began to glow a faint red and Dumbledore turned to me.

"No need to be afraid, Ms. Roberts. As far as I'm concerned you have done nothing wrong." He said calmly. I looked up at the old wizard now just as confused as James, but the Professor's attention was now turned to Snape. Snake sat up straighter when he saw the headmasters gaze upon him.

"Well, Mr. Snape, would you care to fill us in on what you saw last night." Dumbledore commanded coolly. 

"Well, you see sir, it all started yesterday. I was sitting in the Great Hall minding my own business when I couldn't help but over hear Potter and his friends talking about a plan for last night. Once they had finished I caught Potter's glance and I asked him where he and his friends went every full moon. Potter told me that it was none of my business, but if I really wanted to find out was to press the knot on the Whomping Willow and go down into the secret passage. Being the curious person I am I did just that and was about to be killed by a werewolf I can only assume was Potter's friend Remus Lupin, when Roberts here stepped in and did nothing, but save her and Potter's necks." He explained. I let out a small laugh and now the attention was turned to me.

"Did I say something that was funny to you, Roberts?" Snape sat coldly. I laughed again and turned to him.

"Oh nothing just, how funny it is that you refuse to admit that James and I saved your life." I said bluntly. Snape gripped the sides of the chair he was in tightly.

"Now Ms. Roberts, where do you come in?" Dumbledore said taking me and the rest off guard. I swallowed and looked to the floor. 

"Well you see sir....... when we all found out that Remus was infected with lycanthropy we wanted to make his transformations and full moons more....... enjoyable. So, we all came up with idea of become Animagi. I had profusely insisted on becoming one, but James never let me, but I wouldn't take no for an answer. Over the next few years Sirius, Peter, and James found out how to become animagi on their own, as did I. Finally in the summer after my fourth year I figured it out and became one." I explained feeling James's confused and shocked gaze. I looked up at Professor Dumbledore expecting to see a disapproving look, but only to find the wizard grinning at me.

"That is a very impressive feat I must say even for a wizard of my age, let alone a 4th year student." He said merilly. I let out a small smile, but snapped back to what I was supposed to being explaining.

"Thank you sir. Well anyways I have been following the group of boys in the shadows and only recently did I reveal myself, to the group as a doe. Last night as Snape here said he immobilized the Whomping Willow and went into the passage. I ran after him not wanting him to die and with James's help got Snape out of there before anything could happen." I said. Dumbledore stroked his beard.

"And was last night the only time you've ever interacted with the group?" Dumbledore asked. I shook my head no.

"Sometimes one of the group members would catch glimpses of me but nothing more than that. Though there was one time, the first time we all went out, Remus became more like a wolf for a moment and was about to attack James, so I-" I explained, but was cut off by none other than James.

"She ran out in front of me getting herself hurt. Before Remus could do anything else I pushed him back into the Whomping Willow. When I came back she was gone." James said. I looked back down at the ground, not wanting to meet James's eyes. 

"Well then, Mr. Snape." Dumbledore said. Snape sat straight up when his name was called and I looked at the headmaster.

"Now that you know of Mr. Lupin's condition I must forbid you from ever repeating it to anyone. Is that understood?" Dumbledore said coolly. Snape's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"But sir-" He began, but was silenced by Dumbledore raising a hand. Snape closed his mouth, but his eyes remained on him.

"Is that understood?" Snape hesitated but soon realized that he had no choice, and nodded.

"Yes sir." He said crossing his arms.

"And Ms. Roberts." Dumbledore said turning to me. I looked up at him.

"Yes sir?"

"I must warn against revealing your secret to any other students, is that understood?" He said. I nodded.

"yes sir." I said back. I knew I wasn't going to show any one else now, I already know that I'll never hear the end of it from James. The headmaster nodded and then looked to Professor McGonagall who I had previously forgotten was there. 

"Minerva, if you will escort these students to the Hospital Wing and excuse them from classes today, they will need to rest." Dumbledore ordered. She just nodded and turned to the door signaling us to follow her. I quickly got up and was the first out the door not wanting to be near James, but my efforts failed. James ran up to my side and grabbed my arm.

"What the bloody hell were you thing?" He whisper-yelled so that Professor McGonagall wouldn't hear. 

"You know I'm stubborn. I wanted to help and I found a way to do it." I said back. His grip tightened on my arm.

"That doesn't give you a reason to do something I specifically told you not to do." He said again. 

"James, I wasn't going to let you risk your life for one of out friends without me. If you were going to risk your life so was I." I explained pulling my arm free. I turned and picked up my pace, but James matched my pace with ease. Damn, him and his long legs. I thought.

"Well I wasn't the one who went and got my leg slashed open, now was I?" He shot back. I turned and jabbed my finger at his chest.

"That only happened because I was saving your arse! Would you have preferred if I wouldn't have intervened and you'd have died that night?" I shot back, before spinning on my heel and walking away leaving James, for the first time in his life, speechless.

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