What Happened

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Within seconds the door flung open revealing a very excited James. Before I could say a word James embraced me and I happy welcomed his warmth, ignoring the complaints of my side. When we pulled away I couldn't help, but notice how tall he had gotten. At the end of our fourth year James and I had been the same height, but now he was about a foot taller. He had gotten a lot handsomer to, his jaw line becoming stronger and his hair somehow even messier.

"Hello, Y/nn (your nick name)." He said ushering me into his house. Athena, had been come my nickname because you always seemed to be the smartest, even though I had profusely said that title belonged to Remus, and I always had a nac for being the one to win in fights.

"Hello, Prongs." I said holding my bag.

"About time you got here. Moony and Padfoot arrived about an hour ago. Were still waiting on Wormtail, though. Where's your thing?" He asked taking my bag. I winced when the bag bumped against the bruise on my side, something that did not go unnoticed by James.

"What's wrong? Your not hurt are you?" he asked reaching for my side. I pulled back and shook my head.

"No, I'm fine. My stuffs in my bag. Mum and dad couldn't drop me off." I lied. He didn't look convinced but after years of being friends with me, realized that I did not talk much about my home life. He took me and my bag upstairs to the guest room and I dropped my things on the soft bed. James had left me in the room, so be could go find Remus and Sirius so you looked in the mirror. My clothes were clean, but there was tiny specks of dirty on my clothes.

I slightly lifted up my shirt showing the nasty bruise. It had gotten bigger from the journey and I cursed.

"What happened?" A voice suddenly said from behind making me jumped. I flew around to see Remus standing in the door way with a worried face.

"Remus! How are you? Where's Sirius and James?" I asked trying to change the subject. He sighed and walked forward.

"I'm fine and James went to find where ever Sirius ran off to. Don't try to change the subject. What happened?" He asked again, slightly lifting up my shirt to see the large bruise. I sighed. Remus was like my big brother and constantly kept a very brotherly watch over me. He was also the only one who knew about your home life when you accidently let him see an angry letter your mother had sent you and you made him swear never to tell the others.

"Can't get anything past you huh, Moony." I said jokingly. He just looked at me wanting an answer. I sighed and sat down on the bed, with him next to me.

"Now, don't you say a word to James or the others. I'm not supposed to be here, my mother wanted me to stay at the house, but I disobeyed and left anyways. After I sent the letter to James telling him I'd be here, I began packing. She walked in and one thing lead to another, I managed to get this." I explained gesturing to my side.

"Get what?" I heard a voice say behind me. I jumped and turned around to see Sirius and James standing in the door way with sly grins.

"Nothing. Hello, Padfoot." I said getting up from the bed.

"Hello, Y/nn. 'Bout time you got here." He said pulling me into a hug, making my side scream. I ignore it a hug back. I look over to James, and saw a flash of jealousy come over his eyes. I smirked and he turned away. When we pulled away I saw Peter hiding behind James.

" 'Ello Peter, how was your summer?" I asked hugging him as well.

"Very well, how was yours?" He squeaked. His animagi was a rat which I said fit his personality very well.

"Amazing, my mum and dad helped me with Quidditch." I lied. I saw Remus frowning at me from the corner of my eye. He had no idea why I wouldn't just tell the truth, but I just shook him off. I didn't want to be babied by the other boys so I just lied my way through my family history.

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