I Missed You

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It has been three weeks since the ball and I had successfully managed to avoid James the entire time. In classes, hallways, the dormitory, everywhere. I didn't have the courage to face him. I wasn't ready yet, and I had no idea how I would react to seeing him. I knew I would either burst into tears or slap him, it was just I didn't no which one would come first. James had of course tried to get to me, but thanks to Lily that never happened. The other Marauders had of course tried to convince me to talk to him, but I would always just walk away telling them that I wasn't ready to talk to him. This was one of those times.

"You have to talk to him eventually." Sirius said trying, for the 50th time, to get me to talk to James. I rolled my eyes.

"And when eventually comes I will. How many times do I have to say I'm not ready, Sirius." I said again. He shrugged.

"It's killing him, Y/n. He hasn't participated in a prank for three weeks! Will you just-" He began but I cut him off.

"I'll be in library. I need to finish an essay and for the last time I'm not ready." I said walking away from him and towards the library before he could say anything else. I walked in silence ignoring the glances and whispers of the students. I didn't care anymore what they thought anymore. At first it would both me a lot but now I'm just used to it. I walked into the library and went to the back corner. I set my things down and pulled out the herbology essay I had to finish. It was about Venomous Tentacula and what there bites can do. I worked on it for most of the day since it was a free day. Once I had finished I placed it back into my bag and stood. I needed a book about unicorns since that's what the Care of Magical Creatures Professor said our next lesson would be on. Since, I didn't spend most of my time with James or the Marauders I had devoted my time to getting ahead in my studies. 

I walked through the shelves looking for the book. Once I had found the shelf I walked down it and scanned the shelves. In my concentrations I didn't see the approaching Ravenclaw. I found the book and reached up and as soon as I grabbed in I felt someone's chest against my back. I let out a frightened yelp and I whipped around. Daniel stood over his arms keeping me from moving. I felt a small amount of fear rise up in me. His eyes were fixed on mine.

"You left without saying goodbye." He said. I gulped.

"W-Well I-I had to d-deal with someone." I stuttered out. I tried to move past him, but his arms held steady keeping me inches from him. I saw the glow from my neckless flicker from blue to red, but stayed a faint blue.

"I had fun. Do you maybe want go to Hogsmeade with me?" He asked leaning closer. 

"Daniel, I had fun to, but..." I said but I trailed off. Now my neckless glowed a faint red. His eyes flashed a hint of annoyance, but returned back to normal.


"But, I don't like you like that. You seem like a very nice guy, but I don't think we could work out." I explained. His eyes changed and he got even closer to me. His eyes now looked annoyed and fear engulfed me.

"It's because of Potter isn't it." He said bitterly. I looked at him.

"No-" I began but was cut off by him. He growled and looked at me. My neckless now glowing a steady red.

"It's because you like him instead of me, huh? It's because while I was gone getting food he sweet talked you." He said his voice rising. I tried to push past him, but he grabbed my arm tightly, which I knew was going to bruise the skin. I tried to pull my arm out, but he only tightened his grip.

"Let go of me you bloody arsehole!" I yelled, trying to pry his fingers off of my wrist but it only caused him to tighten his grip. Another pang of fear shot through me once I remembered I had left my wand in bag which was still at my table. He took this chance to slam me against the book case, causing a sharp pain to erupt in my back as the sharp corners of some of the books dug into my back.

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