Snape's Warning

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~Your POV~

My eyes never left the tattoo, adrenaline and fear coursing through me. I always knew Snape hung around with the bad sort quite often and while I never supported it, I never would have guessed that he would join them. 

"I didn't know what I was doing. I was so lonely and lost.. I.... I didn't know what to do." He said his arm shaking. Finally, my eyes shot up to his and shock smeared across my face. 

"Severus..." I said and before either of us could react I jumped forwards wrapping my arms around him. Snape while surprised at my action, hesitantly wrapped his arms around my body, his grip tightening as he cried into my shoulder. I truly believed he didn't want this, after all he was just a kid like me. 

"I'm sorry.... I'm sorry...." He cried sniffling. I rubbed his back wanting to comfort him and feeling bad for him. When we pulled apart I grabbed his forearm and gently examined the mark. 

"Severus, we have to tell Dumbledore." I pushed, knowing he would know something. Severus took in a sharp breath and snatched his arm back. 

"No, no, he'll tell someone and... then he'll come after me. He'll come after all of us." He said holding his arm away from me. 

"But Severus. He can protect you. Remember, Dumbledore is the only one You Know Who fears." I tried to comfort him, but again I only saw uncertainty in them. 

"I.... I know your right, but.... I can't... please you can't tell anyone..." He begged placing both his hands on my shoulders, shaking my slightly. I stared into his worried eyes for a few moments before letting out a sigh and nodded slowly. 

"Fine, but you have to promise that you will tell Dumbledore. Soon," He still seemed hesitant," Please Severus. Even though our past has a few scars I do care for you. Your like a brother to me Severus and I would hate for anything to happen to you." He pursed his lips before nodding his head a little, dropping his arms to his sides. 

"I-I will. I promise. Just... I can't right now. He already doesn't trust me and if I told Dumbledore I would be dead in days, but I promise I will tell him." He promised and before we both stepped out of the closet, I hugged him once more which this time he accepted without hesitation. I pulled away and went to leave the closet, but before I could open the door Severus let out a sharp call of my name pulling me back inside. 

"Wait, I almost forgot. I need to warn you." He said a new urgency in his voice. I raised an eyebrow and turned back to face him. 


"When I... I got this, I heard something. He's planning something that has to do with you. He was talking to two people I don't know who, but they were wearing Hogwarts robes. I'll try to find out more, but please stay safe. I hate to say it, but it would be wise to not leave those buffoons for to long at a time. While their intellect is severely lacking, their dueling skills are proficient." Severus warned. My mind began to race with possibilities and I suddenly felt slightly paranoid. Taking a deep breath and nodded I gave Severus a small, weak smile.

"Thank you and please don't put yourself into any danger for me." I said and Severus gave me a small nod before allowing me to leave. I peeked my head outside of the closet, happy that the hallway was empty. I signaled for Severus to come out as well and together we emerged from the closet. Severus gave me one last unreadable look before swiftly going to the common room entrance and mumbling the password. He then, without a word, disappeared beyond the door, leaving me all alone in the dark corridor. Severus's words echoed in my head making the usually silent corridor more creepy and ominous. My finger gripped my wand tightly as I slowly made my way towards the end. My ears perked slightly at the sound of faint footsteps coming around the corner and I could barely make out the shadow of two people slowly walking towards my position. My knuckles were beginning to turn white as I raised my wand and pointed it where the people would be. In a few seconds the two people appeared around the corner and out of fear I fired out two tripping jinxes causing both of the students to let out a shriek and fall flat onto their faces. 

"Merlin, can't I go a day without you jinxing me, Roberts?" A pained voice called out to me from the ground. Huh? I casted a lumos charm gasped at the sight of James and Sirius piled on top of each other. I quickly helped the two to their feet, dusting of James's robes and apologizing profusely. 

"What's got you so trigger happy, love? Seen a ghost?" James asked, cutting off my sorry's. 

"I... just have a lot of my mind." I knew I would have to tell James, but I promised Severus I wouldn't until he had sorted everything he needed out. Although I made my own promise to myself that if he doesn't reveal himself soon, I would go to Dumbledore myself. James, as always knew something else was the matter, but shockingly didn't say anything at least not now and instead wrapped his arms around my shoulders pulling me into his chest. 

"I was worried. After I dropped off that Hufflepuff girl I came back to our spot, but you weren't there. I waited for a bit and then decided to come and find you. Are you alright?" James asked pulling back and cupping the side of my face. I smiled at his sweetness and stood on my tip toes, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. 

"I'm fine, just got distracted," I took a deep breath before continuing," I spoke with Severus." I felt James's hand on my waist tighten slight and his jaw clenched. 

"What did that slime ball do?" James said tightly and I quickly placed my own hand on his cheek, rubbing it with the pad of my thumb. 

"James relax, he didn't hurt me. He just felt bad about what he had said years before and wanted to make amends." I explained. James huffed and rolled his eyes.

"And you believe him?" Sirius said staring at me. 

"Yes, yes I do. In fact he helped me." I said dropping my hold from James and turning my focus to Sirius.

"Helped you?" James asked, a suspicious look on his face. I smacked his chest lightly knowing what his mind was going to. 

"Not like that. He told me that he thought something bad was going to happen. He told me to be careful and that he thought I would be safer with you two." I explained, which slightly surprised the two teens. James stayed silent for a few minutes before finally, letting out a sigh and pinching the bridge of his glasses. 

"I don't trust him and honestly believe he's nothing, but a rotten grease ball-"


"But..... if you trust him I trust you. Just be careful, love. I don't want you hurt." James said before finally sweeping me into a hug. I ran my fingers through his still very unruly hair and pressed a kiss to his forehead. When we finally pulled away from our sweet moment, I looked back a Sirius and realized he would have no reason to be here. 

"Say, what are you doing here, Pads?" I asked placing my hands on my hips. Sirius chuckled and his face turned slightly red, causing James to suddenly howl with laughter. Sirius slapped James shoulder a mumbled a shut it, but James only laughed louder. 

"O-Oh! Y/n! You should have been there!" James said before taking a deep breath to calm slightly," I was on my way here when I walked right in on him and Minerva Rook! God I've never heard Sirius shriek so loud, I could of sworn there was a Banshee in the castle!" A few giggles escaped my mouth making Sirius only grow more red and flustered. 

"Aw Pads! Are you finally settling down?" I teased placing a mocking hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off and let out a grumble before shoving his hands into his pockets and shaking his head. Eventually James and I calmed down enough to walk back to common room, but even though James and Sirius tried to lighten the dark mood of the corridors, Severus's warning still stuck into my mind and I was suddenly very aware of the many shapes hiding in the shadows. 


Hello my darlings! I know it's been a while. Please don't kill me. Hehe *slowly hides around corner* 

Anyhow, I hope you all are safe and happy! I just started doing distance learning and it's been tough and time consuming and I know I have been neglecting my duties to you, but nO LonGeR! I posted two chapters today and more will come soon hopefully, again I love you all so much and for those who are still reading this and didn't scroll congrats your now the favorite child. (ps jk I love you all the same...... but those dedicated reader tho ;) ) 

 Again I love you all and I love you!

"In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, good night!" - Truman Burbank         

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