Unexpected Letter

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I sat in the Gryffindor common room on my knees behind one of the coffee tables, alone, the only sound coming from my quill as it scratched quickly across the parchment as I tried my best to quickly finish my Herbology essay which was due first thing tomorrow. I had put it off so many times to help the boys set up pranks and improve their map, so I had to rush to get it finished but sadly before I could I heard a voice speak from behind me.

"Are you still working on that?" He asked as he moved closer to me, his head craning over mine to peek at my paper.

"Yes, unlike you I actually care about what grade I receive on an assignment." I said, cheekily as I continued, only having a few paragraphs to go. I felt his arms wrap around my waist as he settled down behind me, scooting me closer so my back was pressed against his chest. I rolled my eyes and continued to ignore him as best as could. Merlin, he was making it difficult. He pressed a kiss to my neck, making pleasant shivers go down my spine and a small blush creep up my neck.

"James," I said in a warning tone," I'm working."

"And I'm bored." He shot back," Pay attention to me."

"Not right now, I'll cuddle with you later, I have to finish this." I said as I continued to write as best I could. He groaned and buried his face in the crook of my neck and shoulder, determined to get my attention. After he soon realized that his attempts were not going to work, he quickly changed his tactics. Without warning, he stuck one of his arms under my legs and the other behind my back, and lifting me so I was on his lap. I let out a surprised squeal, as the quill slipped from my fingers and hit the carpeted floor, most likely leaving a stain.

"Really?" I ask finally giving in and wrapping my arms around his neck, and resting my head on his shoulder.

"How else was I supposed to get your attention?" He asked," I had a nightmare last night."

The statement caught me off guard and I shifted uncomfortably in his arms.

"Oh, do you want to talk about it?" I asked, beginning to run my finger through his hair, something I knew calmed him down. His deep brown eyes met my e/c ones before he let out a long sigh.

"Ever since my parents became sick, these nightmares have been haunting me. Mostly about them not surviving this dieses but the newest, and worst, are about you." He explained, lowering his head, and gaze, to the floor.

"Me?" I asked, tightening my grip around him.

"Yeah, about you being captured by death eaters or just simply leaving me. It's almost unbearable." He mumbled, his voice cracking at the end. I sighed and pulled him even closer to me, placing kisses all over his head. After a moment I grabbed one of his wlhands from my waist and pressed only to where my heart would be.

"You feel that?" He nodded," I am alive and healthy not even You-Know-Who could take me away from you. You will always protect me and I will never, not in a million years, leave you James Potter."

"Never Ever?"

"Never ever." I said, as I quickly lifted his head and placed a tentative kiss on James's lips. He hesitated before responding pressing his lips harder, and moving his hand from my chest to the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. I snaked my arms into his unruly hair and tugged at the strands, making him groan. To get me back, he squeezed my hip, with his hand making me moan into the kiss. He took this chance to slip his tongue into my mouth and together we battle for dominance. He quickly won though, not that I was complaining, and began to explore his new territory. He was possessive, something I had never seen from him before. It excited me. Soon I found myself being pressed between one of the couches and James but, unfortunately, we were cut short by a loud pecking by one of the windows in the common room.

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