Mr. Jealousy

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(Ps this is April)

We all sat in the Great Hall with James on my right and Peter on my left, with Sirius and Remus right in front of us.. We were holding hands under the table and I loved his touch. 

"So, Peter are you gonna ask her?" James said leaning his head on his free hand, his cheek in his palm. Peter went red and suddenly became very interested in his shoes. I giggled and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You don't need to be embarrassed, Wormy. She's seems really nice, you should go for it." I encouraged. I gave a small smile. He wasn't the bravest person so I felt bad for him. Sirius groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Come on Wormtail. She likes you, just go for it mate." Sirius said. I rolled my eyes and I felt James squeeze my hand. I turned to him and placed a small kiss on his cheek, earning a smile from him. I leaned my head on his shoulder and I just listened to the boys conversation. Suddenly Peter rose to his feet.

"I'm gonna do. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna ask her." He said nervously, like he was trying to convince himself.

"Good lad. Go on, before you some how manage to talk yourself out of it." Sirius said straightening his posture. I smiled and saw Peter's face drop and he sat back down.

"But what if she says no?" He asked sadly. Sirius huffed and stood. He grabbed Peter's collar and hoisted him up. I burst out laughing as Sirius drug Peter over to the Hufflepuff table. We laughed as Sirius took him to the girl and I saw Peter go red. He was about to ask her when I heard someone clear their throat. James, Remus, and I turned to see a Hufflepuff boy in my year standing behind me.

"Can I sit here?" He asked sheepishly.

"Um, of course." I said a little confused. He sat down next to me and I saw James's eyes narrow.

"I-I was just wonder if y-you would help me w-with Professor Slughorn's essay?" He said nervously. I relaxed, but James only tensed up more.

"Of course, I'll meet you in the library around 2:30, is that ok with you?" I asked. He nodded, suddenly put his arm over my legs protectively. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Remus try to communicate with the boy 'just leave mate. Before it's to late' with his eyes. I looked at James, but he only kept his eyes on the boy. The boy noticed this and quickly got up.

"Um, thank you." he said nervously before running back to the Hufflepuff table. I turned to James with a 'really' look. He just shrugged not removing his arm.

"What was that?" I asked. James removed his arm from my legs and slipped it around my waist.

"What was what?" He asked.

"You looking like you were about to jinx that boy." Remus said chiming in. James just shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

"I just, don't trust him. Especially when it comes to you." James said tightening his grip around my waist. I rolled my eyes again.

"Ok, Mr. Jealousy." I said jokingly. He turned to me.

"James, I'm dating you. I don't want any other boy besides you." I said reassuringly. I placed a kiss on his forehead and he smiled. 

"I know it's just........ I'm not worried about you, I'm worried about the boys." he said. I put my arm around his waist and hugged him. I heard Remus give a small clap and laugh. I pulled away from James and looked to where Remus was looking. Peter was walking out of the Great Hall hand in hand with the Hufflepuff girl. I giggled and James wolf whistled making Peter go red.

"Son of a flobberworm, did it." I said laughing and Peter walked out with his new girl friend. I saw Sirius looking like a proud parent as he walked back to our table. As soon as he sat down my eyes narrowed at him.

"Now, how much of that is responsible because of you?" I asked. He laughed and looked at me.

"A good 30% of it. I had to drag him over there and convince him once again to ask her out. He did everything else, practically spilled his heart out. Couldn't shut 'im up." Sirius said. I let out an 'aw' noise and Sirius grumbled.

"Hey, you can't say a word, Pads. You haven't liked a girl before." Remus said crossing his arms. Sirius looked at him in fake offense.

"I have liked girls before." He said in his defense. I laughed and he turned to me.

"You don't like girls, you only date for fun." I said. He nodded submitting to the truth. 


I walked away from the library and waved goodbye to the Hufflepuff boy. He was really sweet and I found out that he liked Lily. I walked silently up the tall staircase to the Gryffindor tower. It was nearly curfew so I had to hurry. I walked up to the fat lady and said the password.

"You'd better hurry, Mr. Potter has been waiting for you." She commented as I walked through the door way. She was right. James was pacing the common room, not noticing I had just come in. I cleared my throat and put my hands on my hips. His head shot up and when he saw me he let out a sigh of relief. He walked forward and hugged me. I instantly hugged back and his body seemed to untense when I hugged him back.

"Why were you waiting for me? I told you what time I would get ack." I explained. 

"He didn't try anything did he?" James asked nervously. I rolled my eyes and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"No, James. He doesn't like me like that, he likes Lily," I explained and he sighed in relief, "And what did I saw about not trusting me."

"It's not that I don't trust you it's.......... Y/n your the most beautiful, kind, and smart girl here. Every boy here has a crush on you. I trust you with all my heart, I just don't trust them." He said wrapping his long arms around me, protectively. I giggled and pressed a short kiss to his lip. As I went to pull away he took his hand and grabbed the back of my neck, gently, and pressed my lips back to his. Our lips danced together happily and he pulled me closer to him. Once air became a factor, we reluctantly pulled away. We walked over to the couch and we both sat with  laying his head on my shoulder. He yawned and I turned to look at him. He was struggling to keep his eyes open, so I placed a kiss on his head.

"You need to go to sleep." I said moving him so that his head was now in my lap. He yawn and again struggled to keep his eye lids open.

"What about you?" He said sleepily. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll sleep when you do. Now rest." I said. He groaned and sat up. I looked at him confused, but before I could say anything else he pulled me so that I was laying on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and I nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck. He seemed less tense now and after a few moments I heard his soft snores. I smiled placed a kiss on his lips and as I drifted off I could of sworn he had a smirk.     

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