Always There

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My hands shook as I lowered the note, tears blurring my vision. Of course I was happy that my mum finally came back to her senses and was trying to fix what she broke but at the same time I had no idea if it was sincere. Whilst I was trying my best to understand what was just sent to me, I subconsciously sunk to my knees, a light thumb coming from the carpeted floor. James saw this and immediately sat next to me, unsure whether to take me into his arms or leave me alone. Although, before he could make a move I collapsed into his chest, one of my hands clutching his white shirt and the other holds the pictures of my dad. He took action and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pressing kisses to my hair and forehead.

I sobbed silently and buried my face further into his chest. After a few more minutes of just sitting together crying, I quieted down, reducing my sobs to just quiet sniffles. James, rubbed up and down my back comfortingly, whispering sweet words into my ear.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked tentatively. I swallowed thickly, and nodded slowly, not even bothering to sit up.

"I-I just d-don't know w-what to do." I cried, my eyes drifting over the moving photos. James, set his chin a top my head, tightening his hold on me, something he knew made me feel safe.

"Well, how do you feel about hearing from her?" He asked.

"I'm h-happy, but s-sad, and it's.... it's all so confusing." I explained, with a simple shrug of my shoulders. He sighed, and pulled us apart just far enough so that he could face me.

"Well, the decision on what to do, whether you write her back or not, is up to you. And know that whatever you do I'll always support you." He promised, lifting up my face with his hand. I smiled sadly and stared lovingly into his eyes.

"I love you." I said quietly, barely even a whisper, I wasn't even sure if he had eve heard it, but the look in his eyes told me he did, just by the way they lit up. We had only said it to each other once and that time we were both to drowsy to really mean it but now, now it meant something and from the way his eyes looked down at me filled with pure affection and care it meant the world.

"I love you, so much." He said a little louder than I did. My smile brightened as I leaned forwards pressed my lips to his. It wasn't for very long but it was filled with passion and love. It was moments like these that truly made me realize how lucky I was.


I quickly finished the letter and and signed my name at the bottom, and quickly rolling it back up. I raced over to the window where, Apollo stood ready, a happy glint in his eyes. I handed him a small treat to eat whilst I tied the letter onto his leg and sending him off. I sighed feeling a weight lifting off my shoulders as I watch him disappear from my sight.

I had kept the letter quick and told my mother that I needed sometime to think of before I was ready to see her again and when I was I would owl her where to meet.

Of course I was nervous but I knew I had to do this, I knew I had to get closer. I felt a hand on my shoulder after a while and smiled once I realized who it was. I turned around meeting the handsome brown eyes of James, and quickly snuggled myself into his chest, his arms wrapping themselves around me.

"Are you ok?" He asked in a soft voice. I hesitated before nodding slowly.

"You know you dont have to if you dont want to." James said, rubbing one of his hands up and down my back.

"I know, but I need this." I answered, burrowing deeper into his chest. I felt him nod, before placing his chin on my head, and slightly swaying us. I smiled to myself as we both gently rocked back and forth for a while.

"You know I love you right?" James asked, pressing a kiss to my head. I smiled as he did so and nodded softly.

"I know, and you know I love you to." I said, warmly, a sense of contentment spreading across my chest and down my arms. I usually had this feeling around James but now.... after all that's happened...... it felt stronger than ever. It was a comforting thought knowing that James was with me. That through everything crazy and unexpected James has been constant, that even at our lowest points he's always been there.

He made me smile even when I was hurt.

He made me laugh when I cried.

He made me have hope when I was broken.

"Thank you." I whispered, barely even audible but James heard it.

"Whatever for, love." He asked as I pulled away slightly to look up at him.

"For always being here for me. For loving me despite my..... nightmarish past." I explained, swallowing thickly at the word 'nightmarish'. James's face remained serious, something I rarely saw, as one of his hands moved to cup my face.

"I will always be here. I will always love you, Y/n Roberts." He said. I felt tears begin to form behind my eyes again only this time these were tears of joy.

"Always?" I asked even though I already knew the answer. A smile blossomed over his handsome features as he pressed his forehead to mine.

"Always." He said again. We stayed like that for a while. Enjoying each others company and letting his promise resonate in the air, only pulling apart, when we heard quick and loud footsteps heading into the common room. We both turned to see Sirius, Remus, and Peter filling into the common room, loudly laughing and chatting.

"Oi! We've been looking all over for you two." Sirius exclaimed jogging over to us, with a smirk plastered over his face.

"Well obviously you haven't looked hard enough mate, we've been here the whole time." James sassed. I giggled and moved out of his grip, much to his displeasure, and back over to my things.

"So, boys what have you been up to today? Trouble I suppose?" I asked as I sat back in my seat, collecting my things as the four best friend sat around me, Peter to my left while James sat on my right stretching one of his long arms around my shoulder.

"You know us to well, Y/nn." Sirius said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes as I leaned into James's side.

"So, what was it that you were looking for us for, Pads?" James asked, his attention turning to Padfoot. Sirius's demeanor changed suddenly from a sassy, arrogant attitude to a more excited and serious one.

"Prongs, its finished." He said in whisper of excitement, as if he was worried someone else would hear. James and I's eyes went wide as he moved his arm from my shoulder and moved forwards towards Sirius.

"Are you serious?" James said his breath quickening as a smile bloomed over his face. I couldn't help but also be excited. I had slaved for days in the library researching for it and today it was finally done.

"I'm always Sirius," Sirius said with a smirk causing all of us to groan in annoyance," Moony show 'im."

Remus, took a deep breath as he reached into his bag and pulled out our latest and most likely out greatest achievement, besides becoming animagi, ever. He placed it on the table in front of all four of us. Siriys gulped as he spoke, pulling out his wand. It took a minute before words began to appear on our invention.

Messrs. Moony, Y/nn, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, purveyors of aids to magical mischief-makers, are proud to present the Marauders Map


I'm sk excited that I finally introduced this item in full. It is one of my favorites and I literally got giddy writing this. I hope you enjoyed and I cant wait for the next chapter.

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