Back To Hogwarts

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"WAKE UP Y/NN!" A voice roared as the jumped on the guest bed. I grumbled and put my head under my pillow.

"No way! Get up!" I recognized James's voice. I felt the pillow be pulled off my face and I opened my eyes and blinked letting them adjust. James was jumping on my bed like he was 11 again.

"James! Get off!" I yelled pushing him off the bed. I looked at the clock and it said 5:00 am. James was laughing on the ground.

"James hat are you doing up?" I asked him, groggily. He pulled himself of the ground still laughing.

"I need your help. Now, Sirius is still asleep, right?" He explained. I nodded and he continued.

"Well I have some water-" He explained, but was cut off by me standing up.

"And you need my help and waking him up." I finished his sentence. 

"It's revenge for him pushing me off my broom yesterday." He said while revealing the bucket of water. I smiled and together we both crept out of my room. The hallway was empty and we smiled at the sounds of Sirius snoring from James's room. We both crept into his room the water bucket clutched in our hands. I saw the sleeping form of Sirius on the floor under a blanket, his chest rising and falling. I stifled a giggled and we walked over to him. His face was covered by a blanket so I had an idea. I whispered it to James and he nodded. He slowly took the bucket and walked over to the other side of Sirius's makeshift bed. I let out a small giggle and crouched down to his level. I gently moved the blanket off his face. I stood back up and smirked. I nodded and it happened in a flash. James poured the water onto Sirius's head and I burst into giggles. Sirius woke up with a loud yell and he sprang out of his make shift bed face dripping from the ice cold water. I made a break for the door and threw it open. I heard James scream, but I didn't stop. I made it to my door and I turned to see a very angry Sirius running after me. I screamed and made a break for my door. I threw it open and shut the door holding the door knob. Sirius grabbed my door handle and tried to force it open.

"I SWEAR TO GODRIC! I'M GOING TO END YOU!" I heard Sirius yell. I just laughed and held the door shut.

"Whatsgoingon?" I heard Peter grumble from the other side, indicating that we had woken him up. I just giggled and grabbed a chair and propped the door with it. I to the wardrobe and hid in it. A few moment later I heard the door burst open. I stayed quiet and listened to the sounds of Sirius searching my room. Suddenly the door to the wardrobe flew open to a smirking Sirius. I screamed and pushed him. He fell onto the bed and I scrambled to the door, but was stopped by James.

"James!" I screamed. He just smirked. I turned to see Sirius jumping over the bed. I saw the window and gulped. I ran to it nearly getting caught by Sirius. I opened the window and jumped out. I was on the second story, but before I landed I grabbed onto a post and slid to the ground, tripping a falling. I got up to see an older looking wizard and I guessed this must be James's dad. I straightened up and put on a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Potter." I said. He just smiled and held out his hand. I took it and shook it.

"Hello, you must be Ms. Y/l/n. Pleasure of you dropping in." He said. Before I could respond I saw Sirius and James burst through the front door.

"Sorry I can't stay longer, but I really must get going!" I yelled running away from the advancing boys. I heard him chuckle and I ran around the house Sirius and James hot on my tail. Once I had gotten to the back of the house I saw a tree house in a tree right in the middle of their backyard. I sighed and ran to it, climbing up the rope ladder. Once I had made it to the top I pulled up the ladder before Sirius or James could climb up. They stood underneath it, panting.

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