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"I can't wait under we're able to have our Apparition classes. Do you know how much easier pranking would be if we can escape just like that?" Sirius called out as we all made our way back to the Gryffindor common room. James had his arm slung over my shoulder as Peter and Remus walked behind us. 

"I bet it would, but if you ever picked up a book you would know that no one can apparate inside of Hogwarts." I said through a giggle. Sirius let out a groaned and glared at me, which I only brushed off with an innocent smile. I slung my arm around James's waist as I could feel his body lean into mine. 

"So, you have rounds tonight, right?" Sirius said as he looked knowingly at me and James. I felt my face heat up and I almost pulled out my wand if not for James's arm slipping off of my to grab my hand. 

"Yup, I wonder how that happened?" James said as if he didn't already know.  I rolled my eyes and shook my head, before looking back at James. 

"Yeah, I wonder, but you'll do well to remember Potter that all that is going to happen tonight is walking." I said, but my words had no effect on James as he only chuckled and pulled me towards the common room. Sirius said the password and began to climb in when a cold voice called out my name.

"Roberts!" A cold voice shouted out sharply. My head snapped to the side, and my e/c eyes narrowed at the sight of Snape appearing from the shadows.

"Snape. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with you Death Eater friends at this time?" James asked as he moved his hand away from mine and wrapping it protectively around my shoulders. Snape scowled, but kept silent, something that surprised me. No conniving comeback?

"Roberts, I need to speak with you." Snape said lowly, refusing to meet my eye line. I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms, interested but cautious. 

"About what? I thought you swore to never speak with me again." I sneered, remembering out last conversation as friends. Snape huffed and took a step forwards, an action that made the other Marauders tense up. 

"Listen...... it's important. Please." He said, almost begging. I opened my mouth to answer, generally concerned. Snape had never spoken so softly before and he seemed to really care about what he had to tell me, but before I could except James answered for me.

"Well, she doesn't want to speak to you. Now why don't you slither back to which ever hole you came out of, Snivellus." James said with a sneer as he swiftly pulled me towards the portrait hole. Snape opened his mouth to say something, but his words were cut off when the painting slammed close, blocking me from view. I huffed and looked at the four boys. 

"That could have been important." I said as I left James's side and moved towards the roaring fireplace. 

"Nothing that slime ball says is important, babe." James said as he sat down on one of the couches, grabbing my arm and pulling me down into his lap as he did so. He wrapped his arms around my middle and nuzzled his face into my neck, making me giggle slightly. Sirius let out a groan and tossed one of the throw pillows at us, in annoyance. 

"Will you two quit it. Your adorableness is suffocating (quick pause, I have never related to Sirius so much :) )." Sirius groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose. James laughed and tightened his grip around my waist, pressing more kisses to my neck, just to annoy Sirius more. Taking a quick glance at the time I let out a curse jumping out of James's arms startling the four boys. 

"James, were gonna be late for rounds! Come on." I said snatching his wrist and dragging him upwards. James chuckled and let me drag him towards the portrait hole. 

"Eager are we?" He said slyly raising his eyebrow up and smirking. Immediately color assaulted my cheeks and I debated whether or not to hex him right then and there. Deciding that contradicting his statement would only lead to more teasing I kept my mouth shut and opened the portrait. The fat lady smiled at us, but quickly her grin was dropped at James and I's hands. 

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