Returning The Favor

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~James's POV~

"Good night." I mumbled as I laid my head involuntarily on her shoulder. When ever we were close I felt sudden feeling of warmth and content in me. I hadn't ever really felt this about anyone, not even with Evans. I closed my eyes and let myself relax around her. I was about to doze off when I felt a soft pair of lips press against my forehead. I smirked realizing who they belonged to. I wasn't going to deny, I loved the feeling of her lips. I loved the feeling of her soft finger tips brushing my hair out of my face. I love how she would do anything for us. I love how selfless she is and how she would die for her friends. I felt her lean on me and I tightened my grip around her.

Godric, was I fall for one of my best friends

~Y/n's POV~

"I wonder if their dating yet."

"They probably are."

"Shouldn't we wake them up?" 

"No, they both had a rough night, let's let them sleep." Voices rang out, awakening me from my peaceful sleep. I moved my head up and I blinked. A warn light flooded into my eyes and I yawned. I felt someone shift off of me and I blinked until I could properly see. I saw three figures standing in front of me and I quickly recognized who they were. Remus, Peter, and Sirius stood in front of us with smirks. All at once all the memories from last night flooded into my mind and I turned to see an equally as tired James sitting up. 

"Whatsgoingon?" James mumbled as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. His glasses were on the arm rest and he reached lazily and grabbed them and placed them on his face.

"You two are going to be late for the first Quidditch game." Sirius said pulling James off of the couch. I yawned and stretched. Remus held his hand out for me to take and with his help I pulled myself off of the couch. My leg didn't hurt nearly as much, but it was still very sore. I hissed when it sent a pang of soreness. James looked at me.

"How's your leg feeling?" He asked walking over to me. I nodded, but didn't seem to believe me.

"Prongs, I'm fine, it's just a little sore. You'd better hurry, your going to be late." I said, changing the subject. He just nodded and Sirius grabbed his ear.

"Alright, lovebirds, lets get going!" Sirius said dragging Jams to the dorm to get his Quidditch gear. I felt a blush creep over my cheeks and I looked to my leg. I knew the bandages needed to be changed as soon as possible. Remus looked at my leg and sighed.

"I'll take you to Madam Pomfrey's." He said reading my mind.

"Remus, you don't-" I began, but was cut off by him grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards the portrait.

"I insist. Now, come one, Prongs would kill me if I was the reason his lucky charm wasn't at the game." Remus said with a smirk. I blushed again all the blood rushing to my cheeks.

M"You really need to stop that." I said trying to keep up with Remus.

"Stop what?" He asked with a smirk.

"Stop saying that Prongs fancies me. You wouldn't want Evans hearing that." I said, a dropping feeling in my stomach. Remus stopped and looked at me.

"And you need to realize that he does. We already had this talk, Evans is a crush. You are his soulmate. Even if he doesn't realize that yet." Remus said looking into my eyes. I looked to the ground.

"Well it's no good if he doesn't realize that, now does it?" I said glumly. Remus rolled his eyes and we continued to walk in silence. Once we made it to Madam Pomfrey's she walked over to us.

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