Finding Out

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I lay in one of the Hospital Wings beds with James and Peter on my sides. Madam Pomfrey was tending to an unconscious Remus and neither of us had said a word. My arms were crossed and I had intention of speaking with anyone. I heard James clear his throat, but I didn't turn to look at him.

"Look, I didn't mean to get mad." He said quietly. I slowly turned to face him and sighed.

"I just...... don't want you to get hurt. You mean to much to me, for that to happen." He said quietly reaching his hand out to me. I hesitated but slowly stretched out my hand. Our hands touch and I smiled.

"Just promise me one thing." He said squeezing my hand. I looked at him, confused.

"What?" I asked. He smirked.

"That you'll never try to save my life again." He said. I smirked and squeezed his hand.

"No promises." I said with sass. He looked at me with a pleading look.

"I'm serious."

"So am I," I said, "If I get the chance to save your life I'm going to take it."

"No your-" he began but was cut off by a loud groan.

"Merlin's beard, will you two just say you love each other a shut up? Some of us are actually tired." Sirius groaned putting his pillow over his head. I giggled and James just gave me a goofy grin.

"Well at least we don't have to hide it anymore, I guess." He said optimisticly. I heard Peter chuckle and I looked at him.

"We've known for a long time, mate. The day and the library, I might have been sent by Padfoot to spy, for chocolate frogs and Moony always knew." Peter squeaked. My eyes widened and my face heated up. James put a hand of his heart in fake offense.

"You sold us out of chocolate frogs?" He said in fake offense. I giggled.

(Ok short intermission that line hurt so much to write because it's being told about Peter. I'll let you guys put the puzzle pieces together)

"Well they are pretty good. Alright well since I'm fine I might as well go." I said letting go of James's hand and getting off of the hospital bed. Madam Pomfrey immediately appeared behind me and I jumped.

"And where do you think your going?"  She asked leading back onto the hospital bed.

"To class?" I said in confusion.

"Not today, you need rest." She said setting me back onto the bed.

"But-" I began, but she silenced me.

James"No buts. You need rest." She said sternly. She poured something into a cup and handed it to me. I looked at it suspiciously.

"Its not like last time is it?" I asked unsure of whether to trust it. She let out a small laugh.

"Its pumpkin juice." She said with a suspicious snicker. I took a deep breath and took a sip. It tasted like rotten cabbages, but I swallowed it.

"Liar." I said under my breath. Her eyes widened.

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing, ma'am." I said quickly setting the drink down. She shot one last glare at me, before walking away. I rolled my eyes and leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I was about to doze off when I heard a 'psst' noise. I ignored it and kept my eyes shut. I heard the noise again, but again I ignored it. I was about to fall asleep when, I felt something hit my head. My eyes hot opened and I looked at the pillow that had just been thrown at my head. I turned to look at James who was pointing at something. I followed his finger to see the open Hospital Wing door. I turned to see that Madam Pomfrey's attention was now on a sleeping Remus. I nodded and James and I slowly and silently slid off of our Hospital beds. We both slowly crept past Peter and Sirius's bed. We made I to the door no problem, but the problem happened as soon as we began creeping out.

"And where you two think your going?!" Snape said loudly. I froze and slowly turned my head, Madam Pomfrey was already heading towards. James smirked and grabbed my wrist and yanked me through the door. James began to sprint into the hallway, pulling me along with them. I heard Madam Pomfrey yelling at us to come back this instant or she'll get Hagrid, to come after us. We sprinted down the hallway until we couldn't hear her threats. We ducked around a corner and panted. I giggled when James dramatically flopped onto the stone floor.

"James, we got to go before she actually sends Hagrid on us." I said giggling and holding out my hand to pull him up. He sighed and held his hand over his heart super over dramatic.

"Dear Y/n, I can not make it any further. Leave without me." He said dramatically. I giggled again and placed my hands on my hips and rolled my eyes. 

"Come on get up, you drama queen." I said, smiling. He sighed again.

"This is it my fair Y/n, say good bye." He said even more dramatic. I was about to tell him to get up again when an evil idea. I smirked and crouched down next to him.

"Oh, my dear, James. What will I do? Oh, I know, will a kiss save you?" I said just as dramatic. James's eyes lit up at my words.

"I guess it will do." He said with fake sadness. He closed his eyes and I stuck my hand into my robes and grabbed hold of a glitter bomb, Sirius had given me. I slowly stood back up and James's eyes slowly opened. I took out the glitter bomb and smirked. 

"What are you-" He began, but didn't have time to get the words out. I activated the glitter bomb and held it over him. The bomb exploded in bright pink glitter and it all went on James's face. Immediately I dropped the now empty canister of glitter and ran. I heard James scramble up and run after me.

"YOU GET BACK HERE!" He yelled. I giggled and continued to run. I ducked out of the castle and ran in the direction of Hagrid's hut. All of a sudden I felt arms grabbed my waist and pick me up bridal style.

"You little-" James began as he picked me up, but I silenced him with a kiss on the cheek. He smiled.

"Don't think your getting off that easy." he said. I just giggled and m smile dropped when I realized what he was doing. He held me over a huge mud puddle. I threw my arms around his neck and held tight.

"James Fleamont Potter. Don't. You. Dare." I said. He just smirked and all of a sudden dropped me. I splashed in the mud puddle. I screamed and James roared with laughter.

"Oh, so you think that's funny, huh?" I said playfully. I grabbed his ankle and pulled and slipped down next to me. When he sat up he was still laughing and the mud mixed with the pink glitter. I giggled at his appearance.

"What?" He asked with his signature goofy grin.

"You look like a chocolate cupcake with sprinkles." I giggled out. He did a fashion pose making me laugh even more. As he was laughing at his own joke I placed a small kiss on his lips. He groaned and pulled me in for a longer one. I smiled into the kiss and after a god minute we reluctantly pulled away. James stood up first and then helped me up. He slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. He placed one more kiss on my head before leading both of us into the castle, mud and glitter as well. 

"Hey, James?" I asked.

"Yes, love?"

"I have one worry." 

"And what might it be?"

"How in Godric's name are we going to explain this mess to Professor McGonagall?" 

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