Hogwarts Express

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It had been a couple weeks since the Potters had left and poor James been constantly worrying about them. I had to constantly reassure him, by either telling him that they were fine, owling the hospital, or his personal favorite giving him plenty of kisses and hugs.

We had also become a costumed to sleeping next to each other. It seems to help him, with not having nightmares and I love being closer to him. When September 1st arrived, we woke up in each other arms as we usually did. He would always wake up before me, but would stay holding me not moving at all.

"Good morning, love." James whispered pushing a piece of hair out of my face. My eyes fluttered to meet his and I smiled. I snuggled closer to him, laying my head on his bare chest. He kissed my forehead something he knew made me blush. I was about to drift off to sleep when I suddenly remembered what day it was. I was about to sit up, but James saw that coming. He held me tighter keeping me from moving.

"James." I said titling my head to look at him. He smirked and kissed my nose.

"Yes, love?" He asked innocently as if he didn't know what he was doing. I rolled my eyes and again tried to get up, but his strong arms, which we wrapped around my waist held me in place.

"James, I need to get up." I said. He shook his head and buried his face into my neck peppering kisses on it, making me blush.

"No." He said.

"James, your acting like a child." I said trying to pull free from his grip.


"James, but I need to use the bathroom." I lied, in hopes that he'll let me go. There was a bathroom in his room, which my plan was to run past it to make it out of the door and to the room I was supposed to be staying in. James grumbled and placed one more kiss on my neck.

"Fine, but you have to come right back." He said. I nodded and he slowly let go of me. I immediately stood and he watched me. When I made it to the bathroom door, I quickly changed direction and bolted for the open door. I heard James jump out of bed and chase after me. I giggled and squealed as he chased me down the hallway, but to my disappointment he caught up with me. He swooped his arms underneath my legs and threw me over his shoulder, earning a small shocked squeal from me. I light punched his back as he turned back to his room.

"James! Put me down you, git!" I yelled. He laughed as he walked back into his room.

"You lied to me, love." He said tossing me onto his bed and crawling back onto me. I nuzzled his head into my neck and held me down.

"Now, you have to stay here." He mumbled, kissing my neck. I smiled and ran my fingers through his messy hair, gently tugging at it. He groaned and drug his hand up my side, leaving little bits of electricity in my skin. I let out a small moan as he began kissing, my sweet spot and I could feel him smirk against my skin. I looked up at the clock sitting on his dresser and cursed. The time read '10:35'.

"James, we have to get read. The train leaves at 11 o' clock stat and we both have to get dressed." I said trying to push him off me. He grumbled before reluctantly getting off and walking over to his wardrobe and grabbing his clothes. I walked over to the door about to leave when I heard his voice chime in.

"Where do you think you're going?" James asked pulling his shirt over his head and putting his glasses on. I leaned on the door frame and gave him a 'really' look.

"To get dressed." I answered in a 'duh' tone. He smirked and walked forward towards me.

"Can I watch?" He asked flirtatiously. I rolled my eyes and pushed him backwards. He smirked as I walked down the hall and into the guest room. I quickly changed into an outfit and looked in the mirror.

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