Poor Wormtail

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My leg bounced up and down anxiously, as my eyes darted across the pages of my book. I wasn't really reading the words, I juts needed something to take my mind of things. Which clearly wasn't working. Severus's words were being played on repeat in my mind making everything else drown out. After a few minutes of silence I slammed the book closed and threw it to the side. The silence of the library brought me some relaxation. I leaned forwards and let my head rest in my arms, letting out a deep sigh. Merlin, was I tired. 

"What's got your knickers in a twist?" Sirius's voice called out from behind me. I begrudgingly lifted my head and glared at the approaching boys. James walked a little in front of Sirius, a warm grin on his face and his Head Boy badge glinting proudly on his robes. Remus walked behind the two, reading a textbook on charms as he continued forwards. 

"Hello, love." I said as James bent down pecking my lips, before taking a seat next to me. 

"You look awful." Sirius commented sitting across from me.  

"Quite the charmer, eh Padfoot?" James asked slinging one of his long arms around my shoulders. Sirius laughed and grabbed my textbook. 

"You don't even take Muggle Studies," He said before slinging the book back onto the table," Now explain." I sighed a pinched the bridge of my nose going over the various things I could say. After a few minutes I looked back up at the three boys and shook my head. 

"It's just with all that's going on in the world with You-know-who, it's got me worried." I said a vaguely as I could. It was half true. I was more worried about Severus and his warning, but the thought of wizards and muggles alike being murdered was equally as troubling. James sighed and pulled my chair towards his until the edges hit each other. Instinctually, I laid my head on James's shoulder nuzzling into it slightly. James let out a chuckle and laid his chin on top of my head. 

"Don't think about it, love. Think about Hogwarts! It's our seventh year! We're the oldest here! Remember in first year when we used to dream of being able to say that?" James said trying to lift my spirits. He always has a talent to make me feel better in these kinds of situation, called it his super power. 

"Yeah, can you believe that? Seems so long ago." Remus said looking up from his book, before closing it and placing it down on the table. He and I had been studying for our exams while James, Sirius, and Peter has yet to even look at a textbook. I knew that these final tests would be what would decide what field I would go into. James and the boys had their minds set on aurors' since day one while I had jumped from career to career every year. 

"Why don't you come down with us to Hogsmeade?" Sirius offered seeing my hand slightly fidget with the corners of the textbook. This comment seemed to catch James's attention and I knew that there was no way I would be able to go back now. 

"Yeah! Let's go to Hogsmeade! Zonko's just got a new shipment of stink bombs and Honeyduke's restocked last week." James continued. 

"I don't know guys, I've got a lot of work-" I began, but I knew deep down that today would only end in a trip to Hogsmeade. Sirius cut me off quickly. 

"No, no, no, you have been stuck in this stuffy place all year. We're are going, no if's ands of but's, except yours getting out of that chair and into a carriage." Sirius said before rising from his chair and grabbing the book I had been reading. Remus and James quickly followed his actions and a few moments after I reluctantly rose from my seat. 

"Where's Peter?" I asked noticing we were missing one of us. Remus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"He's back in the common room. Apparently him and his girlfriend split up over summer and has been sulking in the dorms. He refuses to come out and frankly, is looking more and more like his animagus everyday." Remus said looking up at me, his dark green eyes filled with annoyance and concern. 

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