Second Chances

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The first thing I felt when I woke up was a weight in my right hand. Something or someone was holding tightly onto it keeping it from moving. My mind wandered in my thoughts about who could be holding onto my and so tight but was quickly but aside when I heard whoever this was let out a small sniffle. I felt my eyebrows knit in confusion before I slowly let my lids open. I was first met with blurry vision but I could make out the, all to familiar, Hospital Wing room. The light from the open windows filled the room stinging my eyes a little but that wasn't my concern now. My eyes fluttered down to the person holding my hand. My eyes met a messy mop of black hair, which was resting on our interlocked hands. My eyes widened when my mind finally realized who it was.


All the emotions raced through me at once in an overwhelming rate. Annoyance, anger, sadness, longing, hurt, pain, and love, it was so much I could barely even say a word. I took in a deep breath and tried to move my hand out of his without disturbing him but to now avail. His head shot up from our hands, his eyes full of tears and concern. His face looked pale and full of exhaustion and his hair had managed to become even messier and not in a good way.

"Y/n. You're ok." He breathed out. I gulped and looked down at the white sheets not wanting to make eye contact.

"Why are you here?" I asked, not meeting his handsome brown eyes. Godric, Y/n don't think about his eyes like that! I scolded myself. 

"I was worried. We all were." James said as he held my hand tighter. 

"And why should you be?" 

"Y/n..." James said in more of a beg than anything else as his voice trailed off.  

"James, you kissed another girl." I said as I closed my eyes a new wave of hurt rushing over me.

"I know, I know, but please you have to listen. Even if it's only for two minutes, juts please.... let me explain." James begged, holding our hands to his forehead. I took in a deep breath and thought for a moment before letting out a sigh and moving my eyes to meet his gaze.

"Two minutes, Potter." I sighed. I saw a smile ghost onto his lips and he took a deep breath.

 "Well, let me start with where it happened. After we fought I stormed off towards the kitchens. Turner was there as well and comforted me. Then next day I was practicing Quidditch when she came onto the pitch and asked if she could talk with me alone. She led me into the locker room hallway and..... kissed me. I know I don't have any excuse, I wasn't sick or even confunded, I was being a complete and utter prick. To you of all people! It broke my heart to see all the pain that went through you, pain that I caused. You are the most wonderful person I have ever met and I treated you like you meant nothing. After all the things you did for me but I promise you with all my heart, you can even give me Veritaserum if you'd like but I promise you, you mean the world to me. You are my light, my stars, my..... everything. I care about you more than everything and if I could take back what I did I never would have laid eyes on Turner, especially after what Evans told me she did." James explained.

"Lily told you?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, and I felt terrible. It felt like all the light had been taken from me and all I wanted to do was hold you, to call you mine and when you ran off into the forest I was so worried. I couldn't eat, I acould do anything until I knew you were safe and back to me." James finished, a stray tear slipping down his cheek.


"No, let me finish, please. I just can't bear the thought of you with someone else. I can't wake up in the morning knowing your not mine, that your in pain because of me. I just....... can't take the thought of you without me." James said pressing his forehead to my hand again.

"So, please, please, PLEASE, give me another chance. Just one and I promise I won't make the same mistake. Not in a hundred million years." James pleaded. I took in a deep breath, as my mind thought over what James had told me. To be honest, I didn't know what to do. I knew in my mind that what he did was wrong and that I shouldn't even think about giving him another chance. But my heart says it different. 

"James I....." I said trailing off. He looked hopefully up at me as I looked into his eyes. I let out another sigh not knowing the right words before I threw all caution to the wind. Without thinking I leaned forwards and pressed my lips to his. Even though my eyes were closed I could feel his face contort into surprise before he tentatively pressed back. I wasn't going to lie to myself, I had missed this so much. Our lips moved in sync and James's free hand moved to the side of my face, cupping my cheek gently. After a minute we pulled away when air became a factor, an immediately James pressed his forehead to mine, our nose barely touching. 

"I missed that." James whispered, his eyes looking into mine. I let a small smile appear on my lips as I looked into his but before I could replied, someone cleared their throat from behind us. We both turned quickly pulling our heads apart to meet the cold eyes of Madam Pomfrey. She stood a few feet away from us holding medicine for the next patient over, glaring at each of us.

"Ms. Roberts, Mr. Potter, if you will please refrain from making out in my Hospital Wing, otherwise I will have to separate you." Madam Pomfrey threatened which caused James's eyes to go wide and his back to straighten.

"No! I just got her back!" James said, placing a hand over his heart dramatically. I giggled as Madam Pomfrey rolled her eyes before walking to another patients bed.

"Do you really have to be that dramatic?" I asked when he turned back to me. He smirked and kissed my cheek.

"You love it." He said with a laugh. I sighed and leaned my head against his shoulder. 

"Eh, I wouldn't go as far as saying that." I joked. I saw his face change into fake offense.

"You little-" He began leaning in to kiss me again but I quickly put a finger to his lips keeping him in place.

"Ah, ah, ah, wouldn't want to get kicked out Jamesie." I mocked with a smile. He smirked rolled his eyes.

"I'll take my chances, now come on, it's almost dinner." James said pulling me from the hospital bed. I looked around nervously spying Madam Pomfrey distracted with another patient. Before I could say anything else James pulled me through the big oak door and out into the hallway. We both shut the door silently. James slipped a arm loosely around my waist and pressing another kiss to my temple. 

"How are the boys?" I asked as we walked down the halls.

"Just as worried as I have been, but still happy your back. They left a couple of minutes before you woke up. You've been asleep the entire day." James commented as we made our way to the Great Hall.

"Well, I'm happy to be back." I said with a smile as I put my own arm around his waist as I leaned into him. Even though I couldn't see him I knew he was smirking.

"I'm happy your back." James said before we quickly made our way into the Great Hall, both our stones glowing a bright pink.             

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