Take Care Of Him

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I walked up the stairs clutching the cure for Dragon Pox potion in my hand. Over the summer Mr. and Mrs. Potter had caught a bad case of Dragon Pox and needed immediate care. Ever since they were diagnosed James couldn't stop worrying. I have done everything that the doctors have told us to do, but I don't think there's much more.

I walked down the hallway and into the Potter's bedroom. The old couple lay still on their bed. I set the potion on the nightstand and gently shake the two. The Potters awake shortly after. Mrs. Potter gave me a weak smile and struggled to sit up. I stuck a couple of pillows behind her so that she could still be comfortable. She nodded her thanks and I smiled. I moved over to Mr. Potter who was sitting up himself. I went to help him, but he waved my hands away. I rolled my eyes and walked back over to Mrs. Potter and grabbed the potion. I lifted it up to her lips and she drank it. Once she had finished her dose, I was about to leave when I saw her raise a hand, signaling me to wait.

"How's James?" She croaked. I smiled to myself. Even in the horrible state she's in she's still worried about him.

"He's doing fine." I answered with a hopeful smile. James was over come with worry and sometimes never slept. I would have to coax him to sleep some nights and convince him to eat most dinners, but I refused to tell the poor woman. She just nodded and laid back down. I walked over to Mr. Potter and got out a bottle of water and tipped it into his dry mouth.

"I have to go get your medicine. Don't fall back asleep." I said setting the water down and walking towards the door. I opened it and made my way down the quiet hallway. I walked downstairs to find James sitting on the couch his head in his hands. I sighed and walked to him. I sat down next to him and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into my chest.

"How are they?" He said trying to mask the sadness in his voice. I placed a kiss on his head and held him tighter.

"There doing fine, James. No need to worry." I said trying to reassure him. I heard him let out a silent sob and I kissed his head again. He looked up and me, his eyes red and puffy from crying. I lifted up my hand and wiped a stray tear from his cheek gently with my thumb. It tore me apart to see him like this and I wished it would all just go away and be fine once more, but I knew that would never happen. I pressed a kiss to his forehead and he gave me a small silence. I sighed and squeezed him one last time before standing up and walking to the kitchen retrieving Mr. Potter's dosage of the cure. I was about to walk up the stairs back to the poor couple when I was cut off by James holding out his hand.

"Let me do it." He said quietly. I hesitated before handing him the potion. He just nodded and walked slowly up the stairs. I sighed and followed him, but went to my room and sat down on the guest bed. I put my head in my hands and let a small tear fall from my eyes. Ever since they had been diagnosed I had held in the grief and sadness, because I could never let James see me cry. It would only upset him more. I took in a shaky breath before a silent sob escaped my mouth. I was about to go check on James when I heard a pecking from downstairs. I shot up and swiftly made my way down stairs. I saw James coming out of his parents room, but I stopped him.

"No, I'll get it. Stay with your parents." I said quietly. He just nodded before turning to go back into his parents room, keeping the door slightly opened. I turned back towards the stairs taking a couple sickles from my pocket and walking down the stairs. Just like I had guessed a snowy white owl stood by the window pecking the glass a letter tied to his leg. I opened the window and the owl hopped inside. I handed him an owl treat and he cooed happily. I untied the letter and sighed seeing it was from St. Mungo's. I gave the owl the sickles and just as quickly as he came he left. I opened the letter already dreading the words.

To Mr/Mrs. Potter

We are writing to confirm your inductions into St. Mungo's Critical Condition ward on August 27th. There will be St. Mungo's healer on the date to escort you to your new home. Please make sure someone of the family is there to sign the induction forms.

Head Of St. Mungo's,

Julius Morgrant   

I sighed and folded the letter and laid it on the counter sadly. I turned and walked my way back up the stair case. I walked down to James's parents room and peered in. James was holding his mother's weak hand and they were speaking very quietly. His father was on his side his back turned towards the door. I smiled at the sight of James's mother's warm smile. She looked at me and her smile widened.

"Y/n, dear.... come in." She croaked. I cautiously walked in and stood next to James placing and tender hand on his shoulder. She saw my sad face and sighed.

"The induction letter is here, is it?" She asked. I nodded sadly and I heard James take in a shaky breath.

"Oh James, it's alright. We'll...... manage." Mrs. Potter said taking a deep breath. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he seem to lose some of the tenseness he had. After a while of standing in silence I saw, Mrs. Potter begin to get drowsy. 

"I think it's time you get rest. The healer will be here on the 27th. I sign the paper work for you." I said turning off the light. James helped her lay back down and placed a small kiss on her forehead. She smiled and returned the gesture with a kiss on his cheek. I watched James walk out and as I was about to leave myself I felt someone grab my hand. I turned to see Mrs. Potter clutching my hand.

"Take care of him. Please." She croaked. I smiled and squeezed her hand.

"Always." I replied. She smiled and released my hand and I took one last look at her before leaving the room. I gently shut the door and walked down to the guest room. Once I was there I shut my door and flopped onto the guest bed. I let out a small sob before falling asleep.


I woke up late at night to the sounds of muffled cries. I yawned and swung my legs over my bed. I walked out of the guest room and into the darkened hallway. Rain pounded against the windows as the thunder storm raged on. I walked down the hallway until I found the source of the muffled cries. I peered into James's room and saw his sleeping form. He was mumbling cries in his sleep and I walked in. He had tear streaks going down his face as I sat down next to him on the edge of his bed. I brushed some of the hair out of his face and gently shook him.

"James." I said quietly, but he continued to cry.

"James, wake up. It's only a nightmare." I said a bit louder. He eye shot opened and he sat up breathing deeply. Once he realized I was in front of him, he threw his arms around me pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stroked his hair lovingly.

"James, it's ok, it's ok. Do you want to talk about it?" I asked. His grip tightened around me.

"No." He said quietly. I just nodded. We stayed like that for a while when we pulled away I pressed a kiss to his cheek and wiped a stray tear away from his cheek. I stood to leave when he grabbed my arm.

"Please stay." He begged. I hesitated before crawling under the covers next to him. I nuzzled my head onto his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. My head fluttered and he kissed my forehead. I pressed a his to his neck and he smiled. Something I hadn't seen him do in a while.

"I love you." He said quietly. I smiled brightly.

"I love you to."  

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