Christmas day

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I woke up on Christmas morning and jumped out of bed. I was very excited. Not because I would get to open all the presents I had received, but because I couldn't wait to see what James thought of his present. I ran to the window and opened it so that the owl could come in without a problem. I ran to the wardrobe and opened it retrieving the presents. I pulled them out and grew them back to full size. First I opened the one from Peter. He had gotten me 2 boxes of chocolate frogs which he knew was my favorite candy. Next, I opened Remus's which was a book called Mysterious Creatures of the Albanian Forest, which he knew I wanted for a long time. Next, was Sirius's he had gotten me the biggest by far. It was a poster of my favorite Quidditch team the Chudley Cannons. Finally, was James's. I opened the small parcel and gasped when I pulled out a beautiful gem neckless. It had a white crystal with a silver chain attached to it. I placed it around my neck and I loved it. I grabbed a piece of parchment and began to write.

Dear James,I love my neckless, I've never seen something so beautiful thank you so much! I told you that you didn't have to get me anything and judging by the looks of it must of cost you a fortune. I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoy your gift as much as I enjoyed yours.

Please tell Sirius I love my poster and will hang it up as soon as I send this letter.

And tell Remus that I loved the book and will defiantly spend most of my time reading it. 

Tell Peter I love my candy and that it was very thoughtful remembering my favorite candy.

Please tell your parents to have a Merry Christmas.



I tied the letter to a previously sleeping Apollo and sent him off. I quickly hung up the poster Sirius had gotten me in the wardrobe and stuffed one of the chocolate frogs in the wardrobe as well. The other I took out of the box and began to eat it. I grabbed Remus's book and sat on my bed and began to red.

Once I got to the third chapter I heard flapping wings, I smiled and ran to the window. Apollo landed on the window sill. I helped him in and un tied the letter attached to his leg. I gave him a treat and I smiled as I opened it.


I love the bracelet, and I'm happy you love the gift I got you. I have a matching one so when we see each other again I'll show you what they can do.

Sirius loved his present even proceeded to try and knock my brains out with it.

Wormy absolutely loved his beans and wouldn't let any of us touch them

and Remus loved his scarf, since he had lost his last one

My parents also liked their gifts and said that you didn't have to get them anything. I hope your mother is treating you well, your obvious avoidance of answering my question if she's hurt you or not, so I can only assume that she has. I hope you are alright. Please write me when you will by leaving to go back to Hogwarts. I can't wait to see you again.

Wait to go back to Hogwarts,


I smiled and was very happy that I would soon be going back to Hogwarts tomorrow. I held the letter close to my heart and smiled. When all of a sudden I heard a loud bang from behind me. I shot around hiding the letter behind me. My mother stumbled in, it had been obvious she had been drinking by the way her eyes looked blood shot and they way she stumbled towards me. I whimpered as she walked towards me a bottle in her hand.

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